stekkjarstaur x reader (FLUFF!)

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Self harm⚠️⚠️Soft OOC Boooooi⚠️

It was my fault all this happened to my family..
I held the bloodied razor to my wrist, the warm sticky liquid dripping down..
*Knock Knock Knock!*
"(Y/n), You in there? Omi made hot-chocolate!" My little brother Max said from the other side of the bathroom door. "Y-Yeah! B-be our I-in a s-sec Maxie-Moo!" "Ugh! I thought you said you'd forget that nickname!" "Haha, n-nope!" After that Max stomped off after telling me he loves me, I say it back but quietly.

I look back to my bleeding wrist and grab a wet wash cloth, wiping the blood away with the cold rag. It felt nice but, it hurt. I grab gauze and wrap the thin white material over my wrists, then rolling down my back sweater sleeves to cover it all up.

I get out the bathroom and rush downstairs to the living room, everyone actually having a good time without me.
How are you sure?..
Th-That's not t-true..
I start to shake violently and yelled..
"NOOOO!!" I gasp and pant..My eyes open slowly to look into the room of concerned and worried people, my uncle looked at me like some freak..

"I-I..I'm gonna go on a w-walk.." I say, quickly headed out the door. "(Y-Y/n)! Honey, wait!-"
But it was to late..
I was already out the door, the multiple snowmen in the yard didn't scare me at all. I go up to one and sit behind it..

I start to hit my head, yelling at myself, crying to myself. Unknown to me that Krampus' elves were watching me, one in particular was intrigued with me..

No one came to cheek on me..
You're right..
I guess me actually agreeing with the darkness shut it up..
My eyes lost the light of hope, happiness..The glow of life left them to something cold, something dark..

I curl up more. "I'm useless.."

"No you're not.."

"I'm weak.."

"You can fight longer.."

"I'm worthless.."

"You're worth more than a thousand stars.."

A small male voice had responded to all my negative remarks..It pulled a smile to my palling face..The frozen tears on my cheeks cracked and fell..
"Who are you?.." I asked the voice.
"I'm stekkjarstaur, you're (Y/n).."
I smile more. This Stekkjarstaur person is light..Then again, it could be me imagining things..
"Are you real, Stekkjarstaur?"
"Can I see you?.."
"Behind you.."
I turn around slowly to see one of Krampus' elves. I smile to the best of my dying ability..
"Thank you..But I have to die now.."
Then black..

I wake to the crackling of a warm fire, I sit up and looked down at myself, new clothes, new gauze wrap..
"I see that you are awake.." a deep voice said from behind me.. "If it weren't for Stekkjarstaur, I would have ended you.."
"I would have ended me too.."
That shocked the being behind me, I turn to face none other then Krampus himself. My expression unfazed.
"You are not afraid?"
"Trust me, if you woke up looking like me, looking in a mirror is a total nightmare." I say bluntly. "Ah, I see..Come with me dear, Stekkjarstaur is in the workshop.." he replied, I nod and stand up, a sigh escaping my pale lips..

I followed him to the workshop, elves stop what they're doing and look at Krampus, a sense of respect coming from them. Two wooden horns poking from the crowd, coming ever closer. It was Stekkjarstaur, he finally got up to me and Krampus, he quickly bowed to Krampus then wrapped his arms around my waist, nuzzling his mask/face into my stomach.
I put my hands on his shoulders and smiled, light coming back into my eyes, I start to giggle at the little elf...


Me and Stekkjarstaur had grown close, Krampus alowed us to work together, who knew I was so good at making killer toys?

I was going up to mine and Stekkjarstaur's room, tired from today's work..
I get into the room and jump when I'm tackled by the elf, I start to laugh and hold Stekkjarstaur close to me, I look down to him and smiled. "Stekkjarstaur, what was the tackle for?" I calm my laugh to soft giggles, he nuzzles his masked face into my chest and purred. "Mine.." he said huskily, I blush and look down at him.
"I said MiNe!" He huffed cutely and I smile softly..
"I'm yours if you'll say you'd be mine~" I flirt, that caused him to start to stutter and fidget with the sides of my shirt. Stekkjarstaur started to tug my shirt more, pulling me down to my knees. I look up to Stekkjarstaur and blush when he removed his mask, I've seen his face before when a decided to take a nap on me.
It was burnt and scared, yet he is still handsome to me. I smile and placed a hand on his cheek, gently rubbing a thumb against the rough texture of his skin. He purrs and nuzzles his face into my hand, I gently pull him close to me, brushing my lips against his, he leans in and kisses me. It wasn't one of lust or want, it was one of love and passion.
I kiss him back, moving my arms to wrap around his head, pulling him in further.

After a few minutes of the blissful kiss we pull apart, still embraced in a warm, loving hug.
"ich liebe dich.."
"I love you too.."
Words: 977
I know this one was quick but if you want a part two (maybe even a Lemon😉) just say so in the comments!
Don't be shy, I take any requests! I'll work harder for you guys!
Love ya my Aliens! Byyyye!

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