Evil Within: Ruvik x Reader x Leslie [LEMON]

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Leslie: 25
Reader: 24
Ruvik/Ruben: 37
Okaaaay, before I get into this story, you have wings and that's one reason your in hospital. You are always in a straightjacket to prevent you from attacking, you also have a mask like Hannibal cause you liked to bite your nurses and doctors.
Anyway! Onto de story!
Btw, you're all childhood(ish) friends-


I was sitting next to Leslie in the back of an ambulance car, the people around me panicking. My head rests on Leslies shoulder, his head rests on mine as we mumble a language that me and him made up in Beacon Mental Hospital. Of course it worried the doctors, we never told them what we said, they never learned.
Just then, out of nowhere the driver attacked Detective Castellanos, he hit back and red paint went on the window..

"Fall fall fall fall fall fall fall fall"
Leslie repeats over and over, like a broken record. The road in front of the ambulance just crumbled and we all flew. I fell into the dark comforting black of unconsciousness.

I abruptly wake up, next to an awake Leslie who sat and watched me.
"ew era erehw?"(where are we?) I ask him. He replies "wonk ew erehwno s'ti tub, wonk t'nod I.." (I don't know, but it's nowhere we know..) I sigh and sit up with ease, even though I'm in a straightjacket, I've learned to adapt to this, being bound and chained..

We both stand and look around, I see an open door with a hooded figure in it. I hope they can help, I slightly jog up to them, Leslie waddling behind me. "H-hey!" I quietly shout as I get closer.
The figure, unmoving, not responding. They then jerk their head up, light now shining on them, I continue to head towards them, they start to walk towards me as well, I stop about two feet away from them.

They teleport the rest of the way..Leslie was now right beside me.
"R-Ruvik.." Leslie mutters.
Ruvik looks up and smirks...
Those eyes..those beautiful grayish-blue eyes..
"Ruben..- Oh my god..RUBEN!"
Ruvik chuckles and opens his arms as I jump at him, my legs wrapping around his torso, my body arching forward to nuzzle the side of his hooded head with my own masked one.
His arms wrapped around me as he spun with me in his arms.
"[Y/n]! Leslie!" He chuckles..

Leslie smiles and waddles to the two still individuals, hugging them both.
"Happy happy..warm..safe..Home.." Leslie mutters, you smile and get out of the two males hold. This is the first time in a long while you felt actually...Dare I say..


"Let's get these off of you, my little songbird~" Ruvik purrs as he starts to take of your leather straps that were binding your wings and arms down. You take off your uncomfortable straightjacket and stretch your wings out, Leslie and Ruvik pet the soft white feathers, you coo from their cold hands.

~Lemon starts here😉🍋~

Leslie slowly and gently takes your mask off, the heavy iron mask falls to the floor with a loud clunk. "They locked away that pretty little mouth? What a shame..~" Ruvik purrs and goes in front of you as you fold your wings. He smirks and leans down to kiss your soft, plump lips with his burnt and rough ones. His lips on yours danced in a heated, rough make-out. Leslie feels a little left out and whines, lightly tapping on your hips. You pull away from the kiss with Ruvik and looked up at Leslie with an innocent glint in your eyes, your fingers fidgeting, face red and warm. Leslie smirks, he kinda became...a 'new' Leslie right then and there..
He went on his knees and pulled your hips towards him, nuzzling his face on your clothed womanhood. You yelp and cling onto Ruvik, panting heavily and gasping as Leslie start to slowly pull your pants and undergarments down. "L-Leslie!~" you cry out when the once shy and timid male became a confident mess, he wrapped his mouth around your sensitive clit and sucked on it roughly. Ruvik muffled your moans by slamming his lips into yours, grunting when you grabbed his clothed member.

Ruvik grinds into your hand that was now palming him. You shake with an uncontrollable lust, slightly grinding your hips on Leslie's face as he devours you're lower lips, kissing, sucking and biting. Leslie's hands travel from your calves and up your trembling legs, lightly clawing your thighs. He moved one hand to play with your love cavern, his index finger tracing the wet entrance. He soon slipped a skinny finger in your tight, virgin cavern. His finger being the first to explore the moist(I hate that wooooord..) walls.

Ruvik grabbed your hand and used his other to unbutton and slip off his pants and undergarment. He pulled away from the heated make-out with you, panting from lack of air. You let out a loud moan when Leslie curled a finger in you, your legs shaking and becoming weak.
Ruvik then put your hand around his large girth, moving your hand to rub him raw.

Leslie smirks and pulls his finger out of you, it making a lewd 'pop' when he did so. You wimpier from the loss of contact but also focus on pleasing Ruvik. The two males pull away and look to each other before smirking and looking back to you. "Wh-what are you guys planning- Ah! H-hey!" You yelp when your forced down on your knees by a force you can only assume was Ruviks.

Leslie slid between your spread legs and pulled down his pants and garment, his sizable girth hardened and twitching in anticipation. "W-wait! Ruben, aren't you gonna..y-you know..?" You ask shyly, gesturing to yourself and Leslie who was holding back from just ramming your wet cavern. "I'm older then you and Leslie, I think it's a little to far if I do anything more than I already ha-" You cut him off.. "I don't care about our ages right now daddy..If you wanna pussy out then fine..I'll just take ONE cock..." You growl out, startling Ruvik and Leslie. "Fine..Just don't bitch and whine when you can't walk.." After that was said, he teleports behind you, moving your wings slightly, getting comfortable behind you.

Leslie and Ruvik both prod their girths at your wet cavern. "Wait! You're both going in the same one!- AAH!!" You're cut off in your panic by a pain you never thought would happen.
Your walls stretching around TWO thick cocks. Leslie waits for you to adjust, noticing the blood dribbling down his remaining girth but Ruvik, oh no. Ruvik being the merciless, sadistic man he is was thrusting roughly into your stinging core.

You cry out in pain, tears fall from your eyes as you grip one of Leslies hands that rest on your hip and one of Ruviks that claw your chest.
Leslie hesitantly moves in when Ruvik pulls out and vise-versa. You start to moan quietly, grinding back onto Ruvik when he pushed in and onto Leslie when he did the same.
You grip their hands as your wings stretch out to their full lengths.
Your walls cry in pleasure and pain as you're being fucked senseless by the two boys you love the most. Leaning your head back to lay on Ruviks shoulder, your back arching.

"Oh fuck! Oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck Ooh fuuuuck!!~ I love you- Ah!~ I love you both!" You struggle to speak, moaning rather loudly as you feel yourself nearing the edge.
Your eyes roll back and your tongue lulls from your mouth, you moan, squeak and squeal as your climax came. Your clear juices coating both of the males girth's.

Ruvik and Leslie groan and grunt, Leslie spilled his warm seed into you first, then Ruvik.

They both pant and pull out of you, Ruvik standing to dress himself and Leslie stands to fix his clothing. You on the other hand, fall to the side, panting in a sex-dazed state. Eyes still rolled back and saliva sliding down your chin, cum pooling out from your aching cavern.

"Damn, really fucked her good eh?" Ruvik chuckles, looking at his and Leslies work. Leslie nods now shy again. "Yes yes..Really good..really w-warm.."

Just then Joseph and Sebastian barge in the room with their guns out and ready to spray bullets.
Sebastian stops with a look of mixed emotions. Disgust, interest, worry and...holy shit, lust?!

"What...the actual..fuck?"

HEEEEEY! Thanks for reading this shit! Hope you enjoyed! I'll happily take requests! BYYYE!!!

Sebastian: no seriously...What the fuck?

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