Halloween: Michael Myers x Reader [FLUFF]

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Fifteen years after being admitted to the hospital, Michael escapes Smith's Grove Sanitarium, steals Dr. Loomis's car and drives home to Haddonfield...

-Fifteen years later-

I sigh as I step into a new life. For me at least, I thank the all-maker for letting this dream come true..
Still a quaint little town. Haddonfield. Children run and play, dead leafs glide through the soft wind, the trees imitate a soft wave crashing into warm rocks.

I walk down the sidewalk to my new home..

This was only a start to this new chapter I am writing

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This was only a start to this new chapter I am writing..
I walk into the front door, shutting and locking it behind me, I turn and slip my shoes off placing them on a shoe rack with few pairs of other shoes. I step into my house slippers, remove my cardigan and hanging it up with other jackets, tossing my keys into a small bowl next to the coat rack. I walk further into the modern home and sigh, my cat, Binx(in honor of Hocus Pocus) runs up to me, looking with wide eyes and meowing, I giggle and smile. "Yes Binx, I bought wet food. Halloween IS tomorrow anyway! I wouldn't wanna leave you out the festivities so I also bought you a wizard hat! Isn't it cute!" I giggle as he runs off, he hates hats. I sigh and place the bag in the kitchen, I walk into the living room and plop myself on the soft couch. Turning the tv on I go straight to the news, let's see what lies will be said today..

-Next Day-

I rush around outside, setting up Halloween decor and small rustic lanterns I found in the attic. I also had to run a few errands, getting more fabric to fix up my costume I was making.

A few hours later after setting up and doing my Halloween makeup I look in the mirror and smile..

"I look goooood"

I say to myself nodding.
Your makeup

              Your makeup

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Your dress

I skip down to the living room and sigh happily

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I skip down to the living room and sigh happily. Binx angrily napping with the wizard hat on. I told him it was the only way he could get wet food.

"All right, let the night begin."

-A few hours into the night-

Trick-or-treaters came and went some had manors while others didn't. It was getting late and I was getting tired, till I heard something crash in the kitchen, I heard Binx meow in anger and run off, things crashing after him.
"Gods damnit- Binx! You better not be trying to get the wet food!" I shout, alarming someone I didn't know was even there..


Her voice, it sounded so familiar..
I need to hear it again. I can't just assume it's HER..
I look down at the counter to see a glass jar of dried rose petals and I bap it off the counter like a cat would.
The jar crashed to the floor, light footsteps coming quick.
"Binx! I swear! If you broke something you're off wet food for a week- HOLY SHNIGIDIGGY!" She yelps when she saw me.

I hold back a chuckle, only one person I knew that said that left town after I was admitted..I knew she tried to come see me but, the doctors wouldn't allow her.
My sweet little (Y/n)..

"Uh..what are you doing in my home?" She asked. Crossing her arms and cocking her hip to the side.
I walk up the her, she stiffened and fear flashed in her. I take her wig and snatched it off her head.
Her beautiful (short/long) hair moving with it slightly. Her (natural/dyed) hair looks so soft and silky.

"Who..Who are you? Wha-What do you want?" Her voice cracked in fear.

I didn't like that..

I look to the counter once again and grab a pen and notepad, sheathing my butcher knife into my pocket.
I write down in messy hand writing,
"My name is Michael Myers, I lived in the house next door to you, the worn down one."...
Her eyes went wide in shock.
"Michael.....Myers..." My name was spoken in such a soft way, like she knew me, like..we had a....

It's her...

She smiles and hugged me tightly, crying into my chest, makeup smearing on her face and on my clothes, I couldn't care less though. I wrap my arms around her (slim/curvy) form and pull her in tightly. She looks up at me and sniffles. I let go of her unwilling and smile under my mask.

I write once more.
"Go clean up, your such a mess right now, I'll still be here."
She giggles and nods, grabbing the wig I snatched from her head earlier.
"Alright Michael, help yourself to whatever. But clean the mess YOU made!" She pointed an accusing finger at me and I put my hands up in surrender.

-After you wash up and he cleans up-


(Y/n) and Michael sat on the couch, eat junk food and fruits. Michael took his mask of and was actually laughing and talking.
They were watching horror movies and criticizing the 'basic horror' stuff, it was amazing! (Y/n) and Michael were childhood sweethearts. Some people would mock them and call em 'Romeo and Juliet', but this fairytale, they wouldn't let each other die.

"Okay okay okay! Truth or dare?" Michael asked. To which (Y/n) responds, "Umm, truth!" "Geez! You're such a wimp!" "No..no no no..I'm a pimp..Get it right hun."She jokes, Michael scoffs in response, "Okay PRINCESS..Is it truue...You dated others while away from Haddonfield?" He asked, hint of slight fear was evident in his tone.

"Yeeeeahhh. No." (Y/n) responded. "Okay, good." Michael said, grabbing her small hand in his larger one. "Cause I want us..to be..something more then friends..I've always like liked you, (Y/n). You were always in my head, always crossing my mind, now that I have you back I..I NEVER wanna let you go.."
He leaned into (Y/n), going into kiss the shocked, blushing female.

And Binx triggered the radio..


(Y/n) cut the radio off and glared at Binx who ran off. Her face was then grabbed and forced to look at Michael who quickly swooped down to steal her soft (thin/plump) lips in a loving kiss.

It lasted for a few minutes before cops were knocking at your door. Michael quickly got up and looked at you longingly..

"I'll see you soon..my Juliet.."
He put his mask on and went out back, sneaking off to who knows where..

"I'll wait for you..my Romeo.."

Okaaaay! This probably wasn't all that good but, if you liked it make sure to vote! If you wanna part two I can totally do that! Don't be afraid to request!
This was requested by: BrokeInGlass
I hope this was to your liking!
Love ya little tots! Byyye!


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 03, 2020 ⏰

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