Chapter 14 The Stranger

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Update: 10-22-2019 The first two chapters to the full voice cast audiobook version of this story has been posted to youtube listed as "Zelda botw sequel (fanmade) audiobook part 1 and 2" please give them a listen and some love if you can. Thanks so much!

Chapter 14

The Stranger

Escorted by the Starsguard sentry of House Illiastar, Zelda made her way toward the hilltop where a mass of soldiers had gathered. Every minute felt like an eternity as she internally agonized over facing him again. She couldn't feel prepared enough.

Her Champion. The young man who held the key to her heart. Link. He was currently engaged in a spar of some sort with Sidon. It was hard to tell from her distance. Nervousness began to manifest physically in her then. Her stomach grumbled, her jaw clenched. Music mixed with the noisy cheers and shouts from the crowd increased in volume as Zelda neared the top of the hill. How was she going to approach him?

In the training ring Link sidestepped, narrowly avoiding the tip of Sidon's wooden sword. It snagged slightly on the fabric of his worn-out grey shirt.

"So a Zora can fight on land! Who knew?" Link playfully mocked.

"Ha! Says the man whose backside was on the floor just yesterday," Sidon returned easily. He jumped back from Link's counter-strike. "Or did you hit your head too and forget?"

"Maybe I just like to give a good show when I fight. Until you interrupted and stole my glory, that is."

"You'd best leave the theatrics to the actors, then!"

They continued to dance a moment longer, their banter nearly drowned out by the surrounding soldiers. However when Link began to gain the upper hand, their spectators slowly quieted in distraction, heads turning toward something behind him. He paid them no mind as he successfully smacked the mock blade out of his opponent's grasp and sent him staggering back. Sidon landed on the ground with a huff, looking up to see his rival strike a victory pose over him.

With his hand on his hip and sword pointed under his rival's chin, Link appeared more legend than man. Like a picture-perfect cutout of an old fairytale. It was no surprise there were so many among their ranks who looked up to him in awe. He had focused, driven eyes and a unique fighting style that made him stand out from them. Even though Link was younger than the majority of his peers, he clearly possessed the experience of a well-seasoned veteran.

Zelda waited for Link to acknowledge her presence as the rest of those gathered around had, if the revered silence was any indication. She arrived in time to observe the outcome of the round, and now the only thing that could be heard was a beautiful tune originating from the nobleman playing an ocean-glazed ocarina among the crowd.

Instead, Link gave no indication he had even noticed any change in his surroundings. He spoke to Sidon as he moved to the side of the training ring to exchange his wooden sword for some rope. "Let's go again. This time, we'll try something different."

Sidon stood slowly and shifted his gaze between Link and Zelda, perplexed by his friend's strange behavior. He was unsure whether he should say something with so many onlookers present.

Zelda perched her hands on her hips, nerves replaced with annoyance from being so obviously ignored. She opened her mouth to interrupt, but was instead distracted by the sudden absence of music. Zelda looked to the side, where Sylmoor sat cross-legged atop a crate of sour apple ale. He lowered the instrument from his lips and bowed his head in silent greeting.

"Oh, good morning Lord Sylmoor! There's no need to stop playing," she told him apologetically. "That tune was actually quite nice. And what a lovely ocarina you have there," she added.

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