Lines and Lies

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Taehyung thinks he could get used to this. It's been a week since Seo Joon took him to dinner and they've gone out three times since then. It's always so calming.

Their conversations flow effortlessly and if he's being honest, he hasn't had a meaningful connection like this with.. well.. anyone since Jeongguk. He was ruined. Completely shaken to the core. So it's soothing to say the least, being able to experience this again. Even if it's not the same, he's thankful for that. He doesn't want it to be the same.

Seo Joon takes Taehyung's hand into his own as he drives them back. He also doesn't hesitate to get out and accompany Taehyung all the way back to his dorm.

"Thanks for joining me tonight"

"Thanks for another lovey dinner, Seo" he blushes and eyes widen a little whenever the male steps closer to him. His back pressed against the doorway.

"Let me know if I'm reading this wrong.." he whispers and Taehyung freezes but he doesn't stop him. It's been years..years since he's been kissed. So he lets his eyelids flutter closed whenever he feels Seo Joon's warm breath against his lips, right before their mouths are combined in a soft kiss. It's short, only a few seconds, but it's nice. Really, really nice.

He giggles a little when they pull away, biting his lip as he bids goodbye. A foolish grin decorating his face as he closes the door behind himself and flops onto his mattress.


He has his nose buried in a book whenever he hears giggling coming from the back room of the store. Curious if Lina is finally back from her trip, he hurries back to head all about it...only to freeze in his steps.

Jeongguk is there mouth attacking the neck of some girl Taehyung's never seen before. He has her pressed against the glass cubbard that he kept from crushing Taehyung.

The blonde tries, tries to walk away but he's frozen. Unable to move his feet and tears prickling his eyes before he has a chance to think anything else.

As soon as Jeongguk notices someone's presence he turns to see Taehyung standing there, looking absolutely mortified. His eyes widen and he quickly shuffles away from the girl but the moment their eyes meet. Taehyung lets out a heavy breath and rushes out of the store. Not even bothering to clock out or leave his vest behind.


"Hey, have you seen Jeongguk?" He asks Eunwoo who is currently standing outside of their dorm. He looks nervous but he's quick to respond "No, he hasn't made it back from basketball."

"Oh, alri-" words broken by the sound of a muffled moan coming through the cracks of the dorm door. His eyes widen as he looks at Eunwoo who appears defeated.

"P-please.. tell me he's not in there.." he whispers and Eunwoo clenches his fist

"He's not.. Tae.."

Taehyung just nods. "Alright.. uh.. just, h-have him text me."


"Hey, baby!" Jeongguk speaks out whenever he makes it to Taehyung's door and lets himself in. Seeing the blonde crunches over his desk, sketching something new.

"Hi" he speaks out and Jeongguk immediately notices the strain in his voice and his puffy eyes.

"Tae.. what's wrong?" Rushing over and gripping the blondes cheek

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