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It's been two weeks since Taehyung visited home. Luckily for him, his classes allowed him to miss a couple of weeks and complete the work remotely. As he's lying in his old bedroom, his mind can't help but trail to Jeongguk. It's crazy, how even though the man that barged into his dorm may as well be a complete stranger. Three years later and none of the same memories...yet the kiss, everything about it, was so familiar. It tasted exactly like it did the first time, like coming home for the first time in a long time. 

He's spent more time than he's willing to admit dwelling on it. Jeongguk is all around him. In everything he does, everything he sees. Every time the wind blows or the moon is shining a little too bright, he thinks back to long nights, whispered I love yous and tight hugs to protect themselves from the cool midnight air. Everything about Jeongguk was euphoric. He knows it. He knows that's why he fell so hard because even though Jeongguk was a tornado. Pummeling through Taehyung's life and ripping it to shreds, he also replaced everything he destroyed. Filling it with new sensations, new experiences and love..so much love Taehyung felt overwhelmed in the moment. 

He supposes he was right, to feel that way, right to feel overwhelmed and terrified because the whirlwind romance that was Jeon Jeongguk crashed and burned. So here he is, in his childhood bedroom as a grown man..running from his problems. Running from his feelings. Desperately trying to out run the storm that's chasing him. 

Looking at the clock he decides it's time to head back to the university. Deciding to finally come back to classes. 

"Honey, are you leaving?" his mom asks sweetly 

"Yeah, ma. I'm gonna go back. Thanks for dealing with me." he smiled as he hugged her tight and she cried a little 

"It's never dealing  with you. You're my son and I will always be here for you. Understand?" He nods giving her one more parting hug and walking away. 


Taehyung has been avoiding the dozens of calls and text messages from Jihyo, Yoongi and Seo Joon the entire time he's been gone. He just feels so suffocated with everyone pulling him in different directions. Though nothing, absolutely nothing, was as suffocating as the feeling he felt whenever he approached his dorm and saw Jeon Jeongguk sitting against the door. Scrolling on his phone. 

He stopped in his tracks, breathing hitched. Not moving, refusing to make a single noise. Whenever Jeongguk sees the feet nearby he looks and immediately stands up. "Tae.." he breathes out and Taehyung just wants to fall. 

"W-why are you here?" 

"I come here everyday at this time, wait for a couple hours. You never come though.." he smiled a little "you finally came" 

Taehyung clenched his eyes shut, walking past the man and opening his dorm door. Sighing in frustration whenever Jeongguk followed him inside. 


"December 30th" he breathes out, eyeing Taehyung cautiously for a reaction. Any reaction. 

"what about it" Taehyung deadpans

Jeongguk takes a step closer into his space, "your birthday" 

Taehyung scoffs "anyone who knows me could've told you that." he rolls his eyes but Jeongguk gripped onto his wrist, yanking it close..flipping it over and raising the sleeve. Confirming his own suspicion whenever he saw in very very tiny roman numerals, September 1st. 

"I have one too." he whispers, letting the pad of his thumb run against the tiny writing on Taehyungs wrist.. before dropping it and turning to lift his shirt, showing the equally tiny, December 30th, written on his shoulder blade. 

Whisper in the Wind - Taekook, KookVWhere stories live. Discover now