Come Back

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Sorry for avoiding you, I mean. Not really but just it's hard for me. Obviously you know why now and I understand that you weren't in a healthy state when we met...I can't entirely blame you for that I guess.

I'm only giving you this because it was special to me(us??) and it doesn't feel right throwing it away knowing how much work went into it. So you can throw it away if you want I just can't kept it anymore.

Also I know I said you broke me, you did. But I don't hate you..I just can't be around you. I hope you understand, we have our friends and if we see each other that's cool but please, for the sake of my heart and mind, let's not talk about freshman year anymore. It hurts too much.


Reading the letter, Jeongguk furrows his eyebrows as he holds the wrapped item in his hands. He wonders what it could be as the brown packaging starts to fall and the first thing he notices are his father's initials in the lower corner.

Dad? It's not until the entire canvas is unwrapped that Jeongguk realizes this is a painting of him...of them

A painting that his father did. 

A painting his dad put time and effort into.

A painting, that Jungkook requested.

 He lets the pad of his index finger trace the dad knows? 

He knew?

 Is that why he hired Taehyung to begin with? 

Why didn't he say anything?

Jeongguk feels so many emotions right now that he doesn't know how to sort out. He feels like the wind was just knocked out of his lungs and it's a little hard to breathe. He's so utterly hopeless when it comes to this subject. There's nothing he can do to fix the damage he's done nor is there anything he can do to make memories he doesn't have anymore come back. With the canvas in hand and heart on his sleeve, Jeongguk leaves his dorm and heads for home faster than he ever has in his life. 


"I've gotta be honest, after a week of no contact I was starting to think you're ghosting me." Seo Joon chuckled as Taehyung takes his seat at the cafe table. 

"I'm sorry.. I just, have a lot going on.." he exhaled heavily "which speaking of, um, we can't see each other anymore.." his head is down, too scared to make eye contact with Seo Joon who he just heard make an exasperated noise. 

"W-what do you mean? Did I do something?" 

"Yes and no.. you didn't do anything wrong, per se...but what you did is the reason why we can't see each other." he's fiddling with his fingers nervously whenever he blurted it out "I almost died because I was so strung out on cocaine.. and I don't trust myself not to relapse with you." 

Seo Joon's eyes are widened and he genuinely looks shocked.. "Tae.. I'm so sorry, I had no idea. I would've never... I don't do it regularly and I can cut it off completely for you. If you're willing to still give me a chance outside of that." 

Taehyung finally looked up meeting the gaze of the man in front of him, Seo Joon is wearing a shy smile and he can't help but smile back. "Can I think about it? I just... I'm dealing with a lot right now Seo, I don't know if I can give you what you're looking for."

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