I know

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"I can't believe.. you're leaving us..." Jihyo cried out as Yoongi and Hoseok were helping unload Taehyung's suitcases from the cab and load them onto baggage claim. 

"Ji, don't make me cry.. please. My parents had me sobbing all night, I really can't handle any more" he sniffled hugging her tight 

"W-we've been together all our lives.. w-what a-am I supposed to do without you?" she threw her arms around him tightly and he returned the hug with just as much strength 

"How about you get a job and earn enough money to come visit me? It's gonna be lonely in a new country without you guys" he glanced to Hoseok and Yoongi who are trying not to show their emotions.

"What does Stanford have that we don't" Jihyo pouted and Taehyung felt a feint blush come over his face before Yoongi stepped in 

"Yah, Jihyo let him go.. I think what Stanford has is getting tired of waiting" he smirked and Taehyung threw his arms around all three of them 

"Y'know, I'm only still here today because of you guys.. I wouldn't have survived the last four years without you. I love you so much." 

"We love you more, Taehyungie. Have a safe flight okay?" Hoseok said, pressing a soft kiss to Taehyung's hair while Yoongi hugged him tighter 

"Love you, kid" he smiled and Taehyung squeezed his cheeks in his hands "Love you more Yoongleees" 

As he's about to walk through the gate he looks back one last time to see Jihyo still standing there, arms crossed and pouty faced. He laughed at the sight and sent four flying kisses her way before walking towards the plane and really not looking back. 


"Was it really necessary to send EVERYTHING from my bedroom at home.." he groaned into the phone 

"Honey, we just wanted you to not be without anything, it's not like you can just drive home anymore" his mom sounded so small on the phone and he chuckled 

"No, dad just wanted more studio space huh?!" he shouted to which he heard his dad's laughter through the speaker "Mhm.. thought so"

"Have you started looking for a roommate yet? Your apartment is expensive! You trying to spend all of my money?!" His dad shouted back and Jeongguk just stayed silent for a minute 

"Don't really want a roommate...it'd be someone who knows no Korean and I don't wanna use google translate to talk to someone I'll see everyday of my life" 

"Whatever....you better get a job there then!" 

"Yah, you didn't want me to work when I was in Korea now that I'm in the U.S. you're turning into a slave driver" he playfully whined and his parents just laughed 

"We love you son. We're so proud of you." 

"I love you guys too" 

Jeongguk has been staring at the clock for hours now. Taehyung promised he'd call him as soon as he landed in New York..which he is still bitter about anyway. So the longer that Taehyung makes him wait for his FaceTime session, the angrier he finds himself getting. 


"So, I saw the three acceptance letters on your desk?" he asks with a smile and Taehyung frowned 

"Jeonggukie... are you going to be mad at me if I don't choose Stanford.." 

Jeongguk feels his heart drop to his stomach and he furrows his brows "b-but I thought.." 

Whisper in the Wind - Taekook, KookVWhere stories live. Discover now