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five years later

"Dr. Kim, your 2:00 is here. Are you ready?"

Taehyung laughed into the phone, "Park Jihyo...why are you speaking so formally?"

"What! If I'm filling in for your useless secretary than I need to do it properly" she huffed and he sighed

"You could always become my actual secretary, save us all the headache....but yes my 1:00 cancelled so I'm already open. Send them in!"

Jihyo giggled into the phone before hanging up.

This was Taehyung's last appointment for the day and he couldn't wait to be off and head home. First he needed to have a successful session, this was a new patient so he got out all of the works and arranged them on a table. His favorite part of being a therapist that specializes in art therapy, is the way he's able to let his creativity flow along with the patients.

A brief knock was heard and he shouted out a quick "come in", turning back around to finish what he was setting up. He couldn't hear the footsteps of the patient so he didn't realize they were walking right towards him until he felt two arms wrapping around his waist and plush lips against his nape.

His heart was pounding and he exhaled heavily, collapsing into the firm chest with a smile. "Gukkie..." he whispered as he left a kiss to Jeongguk's forearm.

"Hi baby" he chuckled against Taehyung's neck as he tightened his grip even more. The blonde turned in his arms to face him and let his hands lace around Jeongguk's shoulders.

"You're my 2:00?" He said biting back a smile but he fails whenever Jeongguk nods at him with a sweet grin. "Why, Guk?"

"Well you've hardly been home since you opened your office and as much as I love the notes you scribble on the fridge...I've very much missed holding you" the words murmured so softly against Taehyung's skin that the blonde could close his eyes and fall asleep. That's how peaceful he feels right now.

"I'm sorry, I know I've been working so much" he pouts but Jeongguk just smiles, pressing a soft kiss to his lips

"Don't apologize, you've worked hard for this. You earned this. I'm so proud of you," a smirk creeps on his face "even if it means I have to pay for an hour appointment just to get some alone time with my Fiancé...it's worth it"

Taehyung's head falls back as a giggle escapes his mouth "Jeon Jeongguk, you don't seriously think I'll be charging you for this session do you?"

Jeongguk just tilts his head to the side teasingly and Taehyung is so, so happy at this moment that all he can think to do is lunge forward and smash his lips onto Jeongguk's. Something they haven't gotten to truly enjoy of each other for weeks, aside from stolen goodbye kisses as one of them leaves in the morning or drowsy welcome home kisses whenever one of them stumbles back into bed at night.

So having Jeonnguk like this, feeling the strong arms that are entirely wrapped around his middle, holding him impossibly close. Taehyung feels so grateful and so, so in love.

"So, what does an hour session with you entail?" Jeongguk's asks, playful glint in his eyes and Taehyung smirks, striding over to his office door..ensuring the door is locked, for uh.. confidentiality purposes of course.

He then makes his way back to see Jeongguk sitting back against the sofa. Legs stretched and sprawled, both arms extended across the back. Open, inviting and it's everything Taehyung has not to jump into him.

"I normally would start by asking why you sought out my therapy...then we pick a method of art for you to explore" Taehyung is now leaning on the arm of the sofa right next to Jeongguk. His breath hitches whenever the other's hand takes rest on Taehyung's thigh, rubbing it slowly..soothingly. Teasing as it rises higher and closer to the inner thigh.

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