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-Minho's POV-

I woke up next to Chan... my head hurts a lot... I ran towards the bathroom and threw up... wow I guess I was really drunk. And why does my ass hurt so much? Wait... I remembered something...

I woke up next to Chan... I am naked. Oh my gosh... he told me that he loves me... but... he didn't wanna be in a relationship... and then after... we banged? That's why my ass hurt a lot. I actually didn't mind that we banged... I just... feel weird... he loves me... he doesn't wants to be in a relationship with me because of his previous relationships...

"Minho are you okay?" He asked when he came into the bathroom. I was luckily wearing pants. He was wearing an underwear. "Minho I'm so sorry I know I fucked everything u-" "Bang Chan, it's okay. You didn't fucked up anything. I enjoyed it." I said and he looked released from all the stress. "Are you sure?" I nodded. "O-Okay. Hehe... I'll make breakfast for us." He said and walked downstairs to make breakfast for us... This was the weirdest morning that I ever had...

Wait... I was drunk... I cut myself... and I WASN'T WEARING ANYTHING ON TOP! HE SAW MY SCARS! Oh no...

I grabbed some clothes and then putted them on... it looked okay... I walked downstairs and it smelled delicious. "Minho I made pancakes." Chan smiled. He only wore pants(and an underwear) and he looked so sexy- Minho, just- no. Stop thinking like that! I made my way towards him and back hugged him. He softly smiled. "Minho can we talk for a few minutes?" He asked. I nodded. "But not now, I'm busy with hugging you." He softly giggled and it sounded so cute.

He turned around and kissed me on my forehead. "I love you." "I love you too." He hugged me. "Please, Don't, don't ever hurt yourself. I know, you are in pain, but you're gonna regret it for making those scars on yourself on your beautiful skin." "I only made them yesterday... because the... I couldn't handle the..." "I know... but I'll promise... everything is going to be okay."

"I hope" I sighed. "Well, I wanna know who killed him! I swear to got that bitch needs to rot in hell!" "Hyunjin said something about his ex. She killed him." "WHAT?! KIARA?!" I screamed and pulled him out of the hug. "IM KIARA! THAT BITCH! That bitch broke Jisung's heart and then she literally killed him!" My eyes made tears... "hey, please keep calm. The police is searching for that bitch."

"She's gonna regret it for what she did!" I yelled. The kitten cake into the kitchen and jumped into my arms. "Shiber, what's wrong?" I asked. He began to meow. "Someone is knocking on the door." And he immediately stopped, like as if he understood me. Than he jumped out of my arms and walked to the front door. I opened the door. "Felix? What happened?" I asked. He looked so sad. "Is it true? That Ji-Jisung is death?" "Who told you... Hyunjin.... Hyunjin told you that?" "Yes." He said and immediately hugged me and cried. "I'm so sorry Hyung for what happened." He said... Minho. Don't cry... don't cry... and I busted into tears... "I can't believe he's not here..."

-Hyunjin's POV-

I tried everything to not think about Jisung... but it was so hard... every fucking thing reminded me of him... I couldn't think normal... I couldn't breathe normal... I couldn't do anything...

I hope he's doing fine... he isn't in pain anymore at the least... but the fact he isn't beside me is hard to accept and believe... even tho I didn't know him for that long... I really love him... "Hyunjin, let's go eat." Seungmin said and handed a plate with food. "Can we talk for a moment Hyung?" Seungmin asked. "Of course." I said and he looked nervous as hell. "Well, you k-know Jeongin.... I-I think.... that I'm in love with him." I thought. "You think or you know?" "I know I am in love with Yang Jeongin." He said and turned into a red tomato. "Than ask him out. He likes you too. He told me that 1 month ago."


"Hey Hyung! I wanna tell you something but don't be mad please." I looked at Jeongin. "And please don't tell Seungmin Hyung this." I looked at Jeongin with a question mark. "What do you mean?" I asked. "Well, I know that I am in love with him... everything what he does makes my heart go boom boom." "Aw you said boom boom so cute! And I won't tell Seungmin, your secret is safe with me."

-End flashback-

"Oh my gosh." He said. "He loves me back." "Call him and ask him out!" I said but he shook his head. "Boi if you ain't gonna do that someone is gonna steal Your man." "No Hyunjin!" He said but then I grabbed his phone and called Jeongin. "Hyung give it back I'm scared as-" "hi Hyung" Jeongin happily said. "H-Hi Jeongin I was going to a-ask. Do you wanna go on a date with me?" It went silent but after a few seconds he said: "oh my gosh Yes!" "Great! I'll pick you up tomorrow after school!" Seungmin said. "Okay, see you tomorrow Minnie." Seungmin blushed. "Bye Innie." He hung up and then we fangirled like girls. "You're the best Hyung." Seungmin said.

"Oh and 4 minutes earlier you was about to kill me." "That was 4 minutes ago!" He said and I laughed.

"Well, go and take an shower because you don't wanna stink when you're on your date" seungmin slapped me playfully. "Pff, Okay. BUT only for Jeongin!" He said and walked to the bathroom.


A/N: When you're a hardcore Stay and then realised that Stray Kids changes your life in a good way.

Can relate:)

Yeet double update again because why not?


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