*White Angel*

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After texting my dad I will be sleeping over Shonna's house, I changed into her clothes.

I stared out into the darkness, standing on the balcony.

I closed my eyes letting the calm breeze blow over my skin. Chills ran up my spine and I shivered.

I felt a warm fabric cover around my shoulders and falling around my knees.

From the way my skin grew goosebumps I knew who it was.

"Why are you out here all alone?" He whispered in my ears, pecking behind it.

I shivered but I stayed quiet, ignoring his question.


A woman who can run this pack.

Not a child like me.

I realized I have so much things I want to do before I settle down with a family.

I want to make better of myself. Provide more for my family and friends.

Have fun, see the world. Maybe make my goals come true.

But if being with Artemis means I will always be expected of something... if my life is already set out for me... then I don't think I want it.

"Come inside. I want to lay with you."

And I don't have the heart to tell him....

"Did you love her?" I whispered.

Silence filled the air. 

The trees gently moved... darkness surrounding us. There was little light opening in between the trees from the full moon tonight.

You never know what is hidden between those trees. Who is watching you... Who is listening.

"Is this about-"

"Answer my question Xavier."

It felt weird on my tongue. His name didn't sound right to say. I don't think anything would feel right.

"No, she was just a fuck."

I laughed and turned to him. "And that is suppose to make me feel better? I thought mates were suppose to-"

He grabbed my shoulders. Not too hard to hurt me but he had a strong grip on it to keep me in place. Damn him and his super strength.

"I was waiting for you for years. A fucking long time. I thought you didn't exist. Something bad happened to you..." He trailed off his eyes flickering different colors. I gasped in awe. He looked in my eyes as he spoke his next words. "I thought the moon goddess was punishing me for not waiting. I regret that, I really do. But Anastasia means nothing to me. You do. Your my world, the air my lungs need to breathe. Your my mate."

I blinked back tears. I could feel a strong pull towards him. Fucking hell I just met the asshole.

I still have so much to learn about this stupid supernatural world. 

But right now, all that matters is that in Artemis eyes, I am his world. 

His everything.

His forever...


Wake up.

Wake up!


I gasped sitting up. I looked around panicking, breathing heavily.

I wasn't in Artemis bed, he wasn't next to me pulling me closer to him every time I made a movement. 

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