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I stared at the Ice floating around me as I looked up into the sky.

The clouds was white and fluffy, as the Sky was a beautiful baby blue. The day was gorgeous and perfect for running...

"Is it working?" My mother whispered looking at me. I was in a huge metal bin outside taking a ice cold bath to calm down what apparently is called heat.

My fingers traced over the mark where Artemis bit me and I frowned, closing my eyes.

"Explain to me the bite mark and the heat..."

She sighed and sat down. "Well...When two werewolves are mated together, it means the moon goddess above destined them to be together. She never made a mistake, i'll tell you that. But sometimes the wolves can die, pass away early, or Reject there mate.

Rejection is very very murderous. It makes your wolf go crazy, like your insides are burning with fire. The pain grows too much until you go suicidal."

I flinched. "I-is Artemis going to kill himself!?" I asked worryingly.

"N-no my love...But If you are apart from your mate for a long period of time...You can slowly start to go crazy until you go on a killing rampage.."

I winced and pushed my body deeper into the cold bath. 

"Now..The mark means you can feel your mates feelings, and see his thoughts. It means you are bonded with your mate and your souls are molded into one. You are one person when you bite your mate but the process isn't fully finished until both mates bite eachother..." She paused. "D-did you bite Artemis?"

I stayed silent and shook my head. "I'm suppose to be human. Not a half wolf biting people."

My mom sighed. "Your heat will be only once a month then. If you were to bite him, it would complete the mating bond and make it stronger, causing your heat to happen everyday."

My face dropped. Feeling that much pain each day?

"H-how do you make it stop?" I asked.


"M-mating?!" She nodded.

"Every wolf must mate and mark there mates to complete the full werewolf ritual. Your heat will be much more stronger since Artemis is Alpha...And your Luna." She glanced down at my mark. 

"W-what does it look like?" I whispered.

She smiled at me and got up. She soon came back with a Mirror and I looked into it seeing my shoulders.

It was a sword cutting thru a Moon looking shape.

"Why does it look like?" I noticed the half shaded in moon.

"Its because Artemis is the Alpha of the Midnight War pack. The sword represents A war symbol while the Moon represents werewolves in general. The moon is the most important thing apart of us werewolves. And its half shaded because its not fully completed."

My mind flickered back, remembering when I found out all this information..

About werewolves and everything.

My eyes swelled and I almost cried in front of her.

"Why did you leave?" I asked..

She closed her eyes and sighed.

"When I was 20 I met my mate. He was so handsome and just..everything I ever imagined." I looked at my mother and she looked slightly older, but yet she didn't. She had a twinkle in her eyes as she spoke about this...mate. "His name was Red."

"Wait...Your mate wasn't dad?" I asked shocked.

She frowned and shook her head. "No.."


"Red died in a rogue attack...Leaving me alone. I was broken and needed a distraction...So I went into a human bar, and that's when I met your father. He reminded me of Red, but he didn't give me sparks every time I touch him, or I didn't feel a mate bond with him. He was just a simple human, but I looked at him as the human version of Red. I married your father and had Adrian, Then you and finally Amanda." She paused and smiled. "You guys were the most beautiful things in my life..."

I stared at her as she sniffed. "As you guys grew older, you showed no sign of Having the genes of a werewolf. So it was a slight relief yet I was sad. I thought maybe I can share something with my kids...Your father never knew of what I really was, and I didn't know who I really was either... So I decided to visit red's grave and I found myself never coming back..."

She looked at me with tears falling from her eyes. "I know I left you guys..I know I hurted you guys, and put not only you and Adrian and Amanda, but Your father in pain...I don't know why, I did what I did. And I'm so so sorry, and there is no excuse for my actions..." She broke into a sob as she tried to hold herself together. "I-im so sorry baby" She fell halfway into the water with me as I hugged her stroking her head. "Its ok mom...Its ok..." I whispered softly.


Months has passed, and all I could think about was Artemis. Does he think about me? Does he miss me?

But those feelings stop and gets replace with anger and betrayal as I remember that red headed girl saying she's pregnant.

How could he?

Couldn't he keep his dick in his pants for once?

He couldn't with Anastasia, but that was different right?

I sighed and looked up into the dark sky. The stars was flickering and shimmering down at me and I sighed closing my eyes.

"How's your father?" My mother whispered.

"He's....Not good. I know he still thinks about you and is hurted by it. He thinks you left and had kids somewhere else."

I let out a dry laugh but my mother didn't find anything amusing. "Amanda?"

"She is still so young...I don't think she understands much anyways."

"Honey..Why aren't you with your mate right now?"

I let out a shaky breath and opened my eyes. "I don't want to talk about it."

It was silent for a few before she broke it. "Whatever he did...Whatever you think he did, just know theres more than one side to a story...Hear him out if you really love him."

I looked at her. "Who said I love him?"

She smiled at me. "I know my daughter."

She stood up and walked inside. "Come on in, its getting chilly."

I stood up and smiled but frowned.

I looked down at my hands and saw it shaking...

I looked up at my mother who stared at me confused. "Aniela?"


I didn't know what happened next..but all I knew is that I blacked out, hearing my mother screaming my name.

Little Bite LunaWhere stories live. Discover now