*A little visit*

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Aniela POV:

I blinked. 

Artemis was watching me with worry, fear, and a bit of hope. I could feel all of his emotions, and I knew he wasn't lying... Not only because of the mate bond, but his eyes. His eyes showed no hint of falseness to his statement. 

But anger slowly bubbled inside of me. It was like putting a calm pot of water to boil, only to arrive 7 minutes later and seeing a war popping here and there. 

"That bitch" I mumbled standing up, already gripping my hair from anger. "Where is she? I want to put my hands around her slutty throat and-"

"She's dead my love." 

I paused, turning to face him as he stood up from his knees and walked towards me towering over me, making my neck crane to see his dark eyes.

"W-what?  H-how did you but she was-"

I wasn't angry that she was dead, I mean I wished it was me who killed her...but dead? 

Artemis tucked a piece of hair behind my ears and I felt my body calm from his touch. The heat was at a balanced feeling, but it was still lingering reminding me that my body craves for a certain someone.

"I don't remember much, just bits here and there...but I do know I never had sex with her, not only that when we tried bringing her to the pack Doctor she kept making excuses and excuses until...I couldn't stand her lies no more that I just snapped her neck and threw her in the lake by the woods."

I raised a brow. I knew Artemis for a bit...long enough to know, when someone messes with him or his pack members he becomes ruthless...so for him to just snap a neck and throw there body in the lake?

That just sounds....so easy...

I looked up at him and he was watching me yet he wasn't.

"What are you thinking about?" I whispered softly. I could still feel the barrier blocking us from being lovey Dovey couple...are we even that?

I've been so confused on where my life is taking me. All these supernatural shit popping out of no where. An angel coming in my dreams who happens to be the same lady who put Artemis and I together. My mother having a werewolf lover who died leaving her to fall in love with my father, but also ending up leaving us.... I haven't seen my friends ebony and Olivia nor my father, Adrian and Amanda... I feel like ever since I found out about another world it's like...the life I had before was dissolving before my eyes and I couldn't grab the pieces fast enough.

The image, the thought alone made me burst into tears, shocking both myself and this man before me.

His big arms wrapped themselves around my tiny shaking frame as he rocked me back and forth, whispering sweet nothings in my ears as he stroked my hair. I cried and cried holding tightly onto him as if he might dissolve as well...


Artemis POV:

I couldn't sleep. Not when I had so many questions in my head. I stared out the window, looking up at the half moon as I played with the end of Anita's hair. She was softly sound asleep on my lap, curled up in my clothes with an adorable smile on her face. I smiled down at her and felt the urge to kiss her, but was afraid of waking her up.

I checked on my other half of the pack, making sure Shonna and Charlie helped Riley and Emily guard the pack. Thompson informed me that Ebony was here with him, and Olivia will come over in the morning. 

My thoughts wondered until my eyes landed on the little bottle on the night stand. I brought it with me in my pants pocket, hoping to get more information. The design enscripted into the bottle was familiar, clearly a witches handy work. 

Witches was no enemies of werewolves. We shared a common enemy, vampires and we had our own rules, and territory. 

A witch and a wolf shall not kill one another unless dealt with the witch and werewolf council. Any murder done, will be excited on the spot with no mercy.

Animal stirred bringing me from my thoughts. She moved closer to me and moaned softly as I continued stroking her cheeks. 

Maybe I can bring her with me to find out which witch made this that Ryan used on me...and maybe she can tell me the same thing on what she used on animal too...

A little visit.... Never hurt anyone.

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