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When the bite appears your true nature be free.

That sentence and voice kept running through my mind. I became absent minded to the world, getting lost into that voice....

Was it really a dream?

Or did it really happen....

As I stared at the sentence on the notepad I written on, I tried to break the riddle.


Werewolf right?

She said when the Bite appears.

So will I get bitten?

The thought sent a unwelcome shiver down my spine. Are they going to kill me?!

I sighed, rubbing my forehead and got up closing the book and tucking it back in my knapsack.

I exited Artemis room and walked down the halls.

"Shitting on the toilet. Shitting on the toilet. I'm shitting on the toilet."

I came too a stop in the middle of the halls. There were two doors beside me.

One should be the bathroom if I recall correctly and the other one should be just a empty closet.

I pressed my ear to one door and heard nothing but silence. 


I walked to the other door and pressed my ears to it.

"Oh I'm pissing on the toilet. Yeah baby I'm pissing on the toil-"

My eyes widen and I quickly ran down the halls.

I rushed into the kitchen and pretended I was looking for a snack which was in the first place my motive....

Soon I heard footsteps and I looked up too see Sebastian and Artemis.

He smiled at me.

"Hey Ela."

I glared at him. "Only my baby get's to call me that." I rushed over to Ba ba who was already eager to be in my arms. I gave him a face load of kisses and he giggled squeezing around my neck.

"Where's my kisses?" Artemis pouted and asked in a whiny voice.

I raised a brow and shrugged, turning around.

"You want a snack baby?"

Sebastian nodded, sucking his thumb as he rested his head on my shoulder.

I looked at Artemis with a brow up.

"What happened to him?" I mouthed.

He shrugged. "Sleepy." He mouthed back.

I nodded and looked through the cabinets.

"Alpha." Someone cleared there throat.

I looked over to see the same riley guy.

He looked at me with wide eyes and I bite my lip from laughing.

Artemis looked between us two with anger clearly written all over his face.

"What is going on with you two?" He asked, his Alpha voice creeping in.

I shrugged and started humming. Once I found the box of Little bites, chocolate flavor, I took out 4 packs and put the box back.

"Shitting in the toilet. Shitting in the toilet." I hummed.

I started squatting, and singing along.

Then I turned and pointed to the middle of the boys.

"OH I'M PISSING ON THE TOILET!" I yelled, singing as if I was saying my favorite song.

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