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Anita's POV:


That's all i felt.


I could feel myself breathing, but i didn't dare move a inch.

I was scared. Is this what everyone went thru?


How is it possible?

Is it because of the bite? I mean no, that's crazy. Artemis said-

I winced and let out a whimper.

Fucking hell, i guess it hurts my wolf to even think about him too.

My wolf.

Never thought those words would ever leave my mouth.

My heart was racing, i could feel my ears twitching and falling flat every 5 seconds.

I repeatedly blinked, hoping this is all a dream and i would be standing on two legs and not curled up in a ball in the middle of no where...

I Closed my eyes and lightly gasped when I saw the inside of my head.

It was dark suddenly. I could see myself curled up rocking back and forth as I cried softly.

It was just then that it hit me...

I'm Alone...All alone...Forever.

"No Your not Aniela...Don't worry, you will discover where you belong and your place in this world. Soon enough everything will make sense to you..."

The words were soothing. So soothing that I didn't bother looking to see who said those words to me, all I know is that...I'm not alone.

Artemis POV:

I Stared at the open door. I didn't touch it or closed it. I just left it...

I left everything that she touched alone.

My wolf was howling and whimpering on the inside for the past few days but now... It was silent. 

So silent I was afraid it was gone.

I sat on the end of the bed, staring at the pillow.

She slept there so many times...


Why do you hurt more when you realize the person you love is now gone from your life?

Why didn't I take every second of her presence to my advantage?

Why did I wait so long to hug her? Kiss her? Hold her, when she woken up?

The way her face lit up at our confession. 

"I love you Artemis Xavier"

"I love you too Aniela rosaline nightshade"  

"I love you so goddamn much" 

The way her excited voice filled my ears after hearing my voice in her head. After feeling how strong our connection is. Our bond our-

I stood up gasping and cursing under my breath.

How could i forget?!

The bond!

I could try and find her by her scent...So why didn't i?

"Because she needs space Xavier." 

I looked at the doorway seeing Thomason standing there with a sad look. "She needs space...She needs time..."

I growled. "No! I hurted her! You didn't see...you didn't see her face when-"

Anger filled me all over again. "The bitch lied! She motherfucking lied."

"I know Xavier but-"

"NO buts!"

I was so shocked, afraid and scared of Anita finding out, that i didn't process fully what Ryan was saying.

And when i finally did, I realized i didn't smell any baby inside of her.

And i don't even know if i slept with her!

I don't remember anything...except...Seeing my mate.

Thomason sighed. "She's not home. Adrian said he haven't seen her since the day we showed them what we are."

My brows burrowed. "W-what- Where- Where could she be!?"

He shrugged. "We have Riley doing a search hunt. He picked up her scent but with a different scent. It smelt like her then it didn't."

His eyes flickered. "What is it?!" I asked worringly.

"Riley found something."

I didn't say a word as Thomason and i ran out of the pack house and transformed into our wolves.

As we dashed and cut through the woods, i felt the wet dirt beneath my paws and the fresh pine scent filling my nostrils.

But with only one thing on my mind. 

Finding my Mate.


A Week ago:

"Anita...My child wake up."

I jolted awake sitting up gasping with fresh tears falling from my eyes.

I looked around seeing myself not in the same place i last remember, Not in the same state.

I looked down to see my thighs and hands.

I'm Human again.

I saw that im laying on a couch with a fire place in front of me.

The fire crackled and i got off the couch slowly making sure i'm not in any pain.

Surprisingly i wasn't.

I looked around and saw a wooden rocking chair in the corner with a red worn out looking sweater and some dirty pants.

"Hello?" I called out.

I started walking around, and it wasn't long before i made it to a room.

It was dark, with only one window. And a mattress with a pillow and a thin piece of cloth.

I frowned.

It's almost winter. This person must be cold!

"Hello?" I yelled out again.

I didn't see any other rooms so I decided to go back to the couch.

I saw the door cracked open and I opened it, stepping out into the woods.

I heard a noise in the back, and I made my way closer towards it.


 I saw someone bent over with a red jacket and blue jeans. They had a short brown hair tied into a ponytail and was doing something.

"Oh hi..."

They stood up and turned around with a small smile on there face.

"Hello Nita."

I felt my insides go cold. 


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