Chapter 2

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~Time skip: 1 week~

Everyone in the club room collectively sighed. Nothing had changed between Itome and Yuri. In fact, things looked worse.

"We've tried plans A-P. Are we going to try another and call it Q?" Yui asked, his chin resting on Kyousuke's shoulder.

"Yep. Our last desperate attempt." said Akemi, standing up. "Trap them in the club room and force them to talk."

"They'll kill each other before then." Toono deadpanned.

Akemi sat back down feeling defeated. The door opened and Itome stood in the doorway, wondering why his friends looked depressed. His eye twitched slightly at the sound of familiar humming coming from down the hall. He closed the door before taking a seat beside Yui and Kyousuke. The door opened again and in came Yuri humming and moving along to his music.

Yuri sat beside Itome then gave him a wide grin. Everyone in the room felt their souls leave their body. Either Yuri was just plain stupid or he was purposefully egging Itome on.

"Eat, out!" Yuri said, looking at Itome expectantly.

Itome kept his attention on his phone. Yuri pursed his lips then looked at his phone's screen, wondering what was more interesting.

"Personal space." Itome said sharply.

Yuri backed off. Everyone blinked in surprised. Yuri was behaving. Yuri was listening to someone for the first time in ages. The room was silent.

"Ah, Yuu. There was something I wanted to show you in the library. Come with me." said Akemi, pulling Yuu up out of his seat and out the room.

"Ah, I forgot I was supposed to meet with Toru. I'll be back." lied Itsuki before leaving.

Kyousuke looked at Yui and received a nod in return. They left the room as well. Kyousuke came back in and dragged Toono with him.

"Eh, I thought you all left." Toono whispered as everyone stood outside the door.

"Of course not. We're acting out plan Q. If this doesn't work, then I don't know what." said Akemi with a sigh.

Itome had taken a seat on the other couch, away from Yuri. Yuri quietly watched Itome with curious eyes. Itome looked up from his phone then narrowed his eyes at Yuri.

"What?" he asked.

"Eat, out." Yuri repeated from earlier.

"Why do I even bother? The day you start speaking in coherent sentences to everyone in this school is the day I'll take you out on a romantic date and pay for everything." said Itome, knowing it was nearly impossible at this point in his life.

Everyone behind the door looked at each other, hoping someone had recorded what Itome said. Itome looked towards the door, thinking he heard voices. He walked over to the door and opened it. No one was around. He closed it then sat back down. Yuri sat back with his eyes closed.

"Eat together." he said, hoping it would get through this time.

Itome looked at him as if he had two heads. Was he inviting him to eat dinner later that night? He wasn't fond of the idea, but the others hadn't asked him and he didn't feel like eating alone tonight.

"If you're inviting me to sit with you tonight, I guess I can." Itome responded.

Yuri clapped happily, a wide grin adorning his face. Itome rolled his eyes, but smiled faintly. They both looked towards the door as it suddenly opened and their friends had fallen in.

"Spy? Spy?" Yuri asked, hovering over them.

"Shameless..." Itome said with a shake of his head.

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