"I come bearing great news!" said Akemi, bursting into a mostly empty room. "Eh, where is everyone? Didn't I tell everyone about today's morning meeting?"
Itsuki shrugged. He actually did know what happened to the others. Since it was a weekend, they didn't consider the meeting important. He didn't either, but he didn't want Keiichi to come to an empty room.
"Don't tell me, they're all still sleeping in aren't they? After the wonderful day I had planned for all of us." Akemi said with a sigh. "I give up."
"Sounds great. I'm going back to bed." said Itsuki.
"Hey! Not you too!" Akemi whined.
"Why not text the group chat about your plans? Maybe they'll be interested then." said Itsuki, dragging Akemi with him.
"The group chat always gets off topic." Akemi spat.
"As if we don't in person. Just text them." said Itsuki.
"Fiiine." Akemi whined.
Toono groaned then felt around for his phone. He fully opened his eyes and learned it wasn't on his bed, but on the floor. He picked it up just as the Yari Flower group chat picked up.
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