Epilogue: A Day To Remember

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Everyone laughed heartily, reminiscing everything that had happened that year. The missed kisses, awkward hugs, funny confessions and creepy stalking. Despite all of that, everyone seemed to link it back to the whole Itome and Yuri situation.

"Can't believe the year is almost over..." said Yui, looking at his seniors. "Soon you three won't be with us anymore..."

"Aw, is little Yui going to miss us?" Akemi asked using a baby voice.

Akemi ran away as Yui chased him with reddened cheeks.

"They say time flies when you're having fun. They really weren't wrong." said Toono, clamping Itsuki's bracelet on.

"You know, neither of you told us what happened the day you both went out." said Kyousuke, grabbing Yui by the wrist and sitting him down.

"Yeah, tell us! I- We have to know!" said Toru, his eyes growing wide.

Everyone started clamoring, wanting the couple to tell them about the first date. Yuri and Itome shared a look before deciding Itome would tell the story.


Itome styled his hair differently for the first time in ages. Did it really matter all that much? This was Yuri. He was probably dressed normally. He looked himself over before deciding he looked too dressy. He heard a knock on his door then went to answer it.

"Oh, Itsuki. And Akemi. And Kyousuke..." muttered Itome, closing the door behind him.

"Looks like we made the right choice in coming." said Itsuki before grabbing Itome by his ear. "Your outfit is shameful."

"Wait, wait. What's going on? Why are you here?" asked Itome in confusion.

No one but him and Yuri were supposed to know. Unless...

"Did Yuri blab to Yui who told Kyousuke who told all of you?" Itome asked, freeing himself from Itsuki.

"No. Okay yes, but can you blame us? We just want to know what's going on with our close friends." said Akemi with doe eyes. "Now let us take over in getting you nicely dressed."


"Are you absolutely sure you want to go out like this?" Yui asked, feeling a bit embarrassed.

"No go...?" Yuri asked quietly.

Yui started undressing Yuri, mixing and matching clothes before finding a look that worked.

"This is it. Stays true to you and goes well with the sunglasses." said Yui with a grin.

"Eh... Itome like...?" Yuri questioned, looking himself over.

"Yes. I hope." replied Yui, leading Yuri out.


They both sat quietly as they picked at their meals. They had barely talked on their way here. They looked up at the same time and quickly looked away. They desperately wanted to talk to one another, but they were more afraid of messing up their words. Yuri took a deep breath before going for it.

"Nice." he said with a smile.

"Oh, thank you. You mean my outfit right...?" he asked, hoping he was right.

"Overall." replied Yuri.

Itome nodded, thanking him again. He couldn't just come out and saw their friends had given him a makeover.

"You look nice too. I figured you might've gone with your usual look. I'm glad you dressed up a bit." said Itome with a bright smile.

Yuri's heart skipped multiple beats, making his face heat up. It seemed like Yui's handiwork wasn't a mistake to rely on. They are in silence once more.

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