Chapter 8

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Yuri groaned then noticed he wasn't looking at the dresser across the room. He quickly sat up and saw Itome curled up underneath the sheets. Why didn't Itome leave? Was he worried about him? Though that wouldn't hold true since he never stayed over before. He shakily reached out to Itome, a faint blush dusting his cheeks. They had slept in the same bed. His mind wouldn't let him forget that.

He slowly moved Itome's hair so he could get a better look at his face. Yuri quietly admired his long lashes, soft lips and adorable cheeks. He leaned in some, debating whether to steal a kiss or leave him alone. His thoughts were interrupted by Itome's groan.

"Morning, Yuri..." said Itome in his raspy just woke up voice while rubbing his eye.

Yuri's heart skipped beats. Itome was beautiful. He moved his hand from Itome's hair and rested it on his cheek. He definitely wanted this man. He briefly connected their lips, unable to fight his urge.

"That tickled. I liked it..." Itome replied still half asleep.

"More?" Yuri asked.

"Mmm, let me sleep more..." Itome muttered, going back to sleep.

Yuri woke him up. They had school today. Itome grunted in displeasure then sat up. He took in his surroundings.

"I ended up spending the night... I apologize for imposing on you." Itome apologized, realizing his mistakes.

"Don't mind, don't mind." Yuri replied, wondering if he didn't remember the kiss. "Kiss?"

"You want to kiss? Well, I guess for club requirement..." he said, facing Yuri.

"No, already kiss." Yuri said, trying to explain.

"You already filled your quota? Lucky. Maybe I should stop being picky." Itome responded, still missing the point.

Yuri became frustrated before calming down. He didn't remember. It was that simple. He easily forgot what had happened a few minutes prior. He got out of bed to feed his turtle.

"Hey, Yuri." Itome called out, putting the manga away. "Thank you for the kiss. Would've been better without morning breath."

Yuri quickly faced him as Itome started to make his way out. He did remember. Yuri's face flushed again at the memory. He wanted Itome bad.


Lunch time rolled around and soon Yuri's desk was surrounded by guys. He looked at them in confusion.

"We were hoping to get a hot makeout sesh with you." one said with the others nodding.

Yuri stood up and gave them all brief pecks before leaving his seat. The only lips he desired were Itome's. He felt someone hold him back by his shoulder.

"I told you we should've just carried him." one of them said from the back.

Soon Yuri's limbs were seized, preventing him from fighting back. They carried him off to a secluded area of the campus where a lone soul waited.

"We meet again, Yuri. Last time we had an unexpected visitor, but not today." he said, running his hand over Yuri's cheek.

Yuri wriggled in their holds but nothing changed. He had thought of screaming for help, but they were way ahead of him, having gagged him. His mind raced for solutions while he dodged the guy's approaches.

"Keep still." he fussed, holding Yuri's head.

Yuri head butted him, sending staggering back. One of had let go enough that he could pull free and hit him, doing the same to the other guy who kept his other arm bound. His freedom was short lived as they had quickly recovered.

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