You're home

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Came up with this in the middle of history-geography, so I did the one thing any sane person would do-- wrote it on both hands (I'm ambidextrous) and pretended to have written down homework instead as to avoid suspicion.


The school was littered with bodies, blood splattered the walls, the r̴͖̳̋̍̕a̴̫̥̱͊b̴͉̮̘͒̿̉͌̒b̷̛̥͖̹̜̔͐̄i̸̤̓t̴̡̗̝̫͆͛̄̎͝ had nearly finished it's hunt.

A 18 year old ran through the halls, well aware of the dragging feet behind him.


As he turned a sharp corner, nearly tumbling over, there it was! He spotted it.

A sleek quartz portal stood there, mocking him as he got closer.

But the something touched his shoulder...

"Where do you think you're going Taurtis?" asked Sam, eyes wide, and bloody knife in hand, ready to strike.

"For the last time! I'm not taurtis!" shouted the dirty blonde.

"what are you talking about Taurtis?" The rabbit's hold around grian's shoulder tightened

Tears were now pouring down the older male's face.

"Why did you do this? Why kill all your friends? Why kill Taurtis?"

"What do you mean? EVERYONE'S RIGHT HERE!" He shouted, turning around and facing the decomposing corpses.

"You're insane..." muttered the teenager, taking a step backwards.

As he did so, Sam took one forwards, towering over grian, even though he was two years younger, the rabbit pinned grian against the wall, knife threatening to slit his throat.

Grian struggled against his hold, eventually breaking free, but not without a cut on his neck, nearly cutting of his breathing as his breath shallowed.

He dragged himself towards the portal, using his height to his advantage and dodging Sam, who was running after him.


That was the last thing he heard a he slipped through the portal.

And his world went dark.

light flooded the young hermit's vision, as he heard talking, and people, without any strength left, and coughing up blood.

He blacked out.

"HOW COULD HEHAVE GONE MISSING?" Asked mumbo, slightly hysterical.

"It'll be okay luv, i'm sure they'll find your brother"

"NO! you don't understand! he's been gone for months! just disappeared from school!--" Stress flinched slightly at his shout.

"Who's that?" asked Iskall, pointing towards a figure sprawled out on the grass, "didn't you say this world was empty Xisuma?"

"It should've been." answered the void walker.


"G-Grian?" asked Mumbo slightly in shock, seeing his younger brother laying on the grass bleeding out to death--

"SOMEONE! HELP HIM!" The mustachioed hermit shouted, snapping out from his initial shock.

Stress got some medical supplies, while Iskall carried the unconscious 18 year old.

.A few days later....

"Where were you?" asked mumbo, anxious as to know what happened to his younger brother.

"I-- Well--" grian stumbled over his words not knowing how to phrase this big revelation.

but he was going to have to explain sooner or later.

So that's what he did.

Mumbo cried and cried, holding Grian in his arms.

"we- we've got you-- you're home"

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