Miia's Story

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It was a beautiful warm spring day. Sun shining bright. Humming birds fresh out about from hibernating. Baby chicks singing aloud from the tree tops. Miia and I had planned for a perfect day at the local park in town!

"This lovely!! Just me and my darling ! Warm beautiful day! Just the two of us!!" Miia happily exclaimed. "I'm delighted to be able to spend today with you too Miia!!" Holding hands as we strolled along swaying in motion foward and back. Head bobbing as she walked Miia looked so precious and stunning the sunlight shining on her made her yellow hair clips glow looking like a heavenly aura. Tail glistening with white sparkles on her red tail made a pinkish afterglow upon me. Dark pink hair fluttering in the wind combined with the markings on Miia's cheeks made my heart race at the sight. We both look at each other. Miia's golden yellow eyes flashed at me from the sun's ray followed by an open mouth smile with a fang pointing out from the corner. I blushed at the sight of the beauty that struck straight to my heart. Miia's ears stuck straight out flickering response. Both of us giggled to each other while I rub her head with my palm. "Ohh darling." Squeezing my hand tightly continuing to cross the grassy field. "I'm extremely glad we decided to come today Miia!!" I joyfully admired. I proceeded to put my arm around her exposed midriff. The scales on the sides of her stomach felt so smooth and silky against my skin. Miia's face blushing rose red in response with the combination of the markings on the sides of her cheeks displayed the most perfect beautiful face imaginable. "Any day with my darling is the best thing I could ever ask for!" I felt Miia wrap her tail around my lower chest. Gripping me snug without any discomfort. "Your such a sweet heart darling!! Today will be the best!" "It sure will be Miia!!" Kissing her on the cheek *swish* *swish* miia's tail along the grass created a natural sound to my ears.

Along the horizion looked to be a small body of water. As we came into view I realized it was a small pond. Clean fresh water surrounded by some stones of various sizes. "Look darling over here!!" Quickly dragging me ahead with her tail. I traced what Miia was looking towards when I noticed it was a mother duck and her little chicks following behind. "They're so adorable!!" "They really are!" Reaching into my back pocket I pull out a little ziploc bag with a few loafs of bread. "Want to try feeding them?" I ask While handing a slice over to her. "Yeah!! I'd love to!"  Breaking the soft bread in my hand into tiny pieces I proceed to try and lure them over. A little one towards the end of the line slowly swims over towards me his little feet going as if he was peddling a tiny bike.

"Come here little guy! Its okay its okay!" The chick buried its tiny bill into my palm lapping up the ity bity pieces. "Aww its so cute darling it came right to you!" "He sure did! who's a hungry little guy?" I gaze up and noticed the mother and all her babies paddling over to investigate. "Come on down next to me and gently put your hand out!" Slouching down miia puts down her hand next to mine. Both of us smiling bright to eachother through our reflections on top of the water.

All of a sudden now the mother and her chicks had reached us and also began to eat out of both of our hands. "Wow..." I whisper out loud. The precious little creatures looked so at peace in the moment. Glancing over I notice Miia's eyes as wide as could be. We were both in awe of the sight infront of us. "They're so precious and adorable" she quitley whispers not trying to scare them away. Lapping up the last few crumbs the ducks made their departure and drifted along.

" Goodbye little guys take care!" I callout to them. Miia placed the palm of her hand on my shoulder and leans her head on my chest as we see them float down stream. "Bye bye take good care of them mommy!" Miia cheerfully calls to the mother while I rubbed her upper arm. The sight gave off an out of reality experience of emotion seeing them mairly going their way.

A short amount of time had passed after that and Miia and I were feeling pretty hungry ourselves! Since Miia's body temperature needs to keep warm I planted us a spot where the sun was directly shining in the grass. I had placed a red blanket down I had folded up in my pocket. I also brought along a beautifully crafted wood picnic basket I had left in the car. "The sun is perfect! I'm quite famished cant wait to see what my sweet darling made for me!!" Miia joyfully expressed. Lifting the top flap of the basket peering inside I began to set food onto the blanket. "Since I know you love eggs I made a scrambled egg dish for both of us with a side of mashed potatoes and gravy also some ice cold lemonade to go along!!" "Sounds yummy I can't wait to take a bite!!" Miia's eyes gleamed at me in glee. "I also made something for you too darling!!" Miia reaches over and lightly picks up the basket sifting through looking for what she needed.

Placing the dish onto the blanket into view it had a silver cover over like a fancy meal would be served. "I baked you a cake!!" Removing the lid revealed a well made chocolate cake with white frosting on top. In red icing there was a message on it I began to read it out loud. "Made with all my love for you to my dearest darling - Miia  looks delicious! That was incredibly sweet of you Miia!!" "Ahh I'm glad you like it!!" as her eyes lit up like a flick of a switch. "Let's dig in!!" handing a dish over to her and gently placing it into her palms.

We sat for a while laughing and smiling to each other for a while. "That was yummy! It really hit the spot! Now im stuffed!" "The cake you baked was perfect! The best I've ever had!" While Miia wasn't looking I had taken a mysterious object and covered it in my hand behind my back. "Miia?" "What is it darling?" "Since I knew today was going to be so special to you I want to give you something that will make this evening even more special and even better!" Happily smiling at her. "Something... For... Me? Oh darling!" Blushing as bright as could be! With both my hands I keep the object covered presenting it infront of me. Miia gazed wondering what was underneath with an open mouth. I lift my right hand while grasping with my left what had revealed a very tiny white box with a lid that could be flipped open.

"Let me see your hand" taking her hand delicatly gently grasping her fingers. *flip* I popped open the tiny box. Slipping onto her left ring finger was a silver ring with a beautiful pink tourmaline gem. In shock Miia unable to say a word examining the fine piece before her. The gem beamed in the sunlight giving a sense of heavenly power. Looking like an angel hair sparkling with her red scales casting a bright red surrounding of reflecting light which would cause the heart to beat. "Darling it's.... gorgeous!.... I love it!!" I noticed her eyes began to water with happiness. "What also makes it even better is that its your birthstone!!" *scrunch* Miia suddenly hugged me tightly crying heavily into my shirt. "Your the best thing that has ever happened to me! I love you!! *sniff* *sniff*" trying to hold back happy sobs. I plant the palm of my right hand on her head and corress her hair while my free arm hugged tight back. "I love you too Miia!! Ever since I first met you!! I always have!" *thump* falling back onto the ground Miia had my legs wrapped snug in her tail. Holding my head into her chest not letting go.

"Today is the best darling I never want it to end!!" Her tears became a stream down her cheeks. "Days like this will never end Miia because I've found my true love!" Laying her back I grabbed her by the scales on the sides of her midriff. I felt her tail wrap gently around my neck guiding me towards her face now only an inch apart. "As long as I have my darling I don't need anything more then our love together forever!" Her golden eyes glistening into my heart. We both lean in pressing our lips together kissing passionately letting all our emotions flow. I began to cry now too! Our hearts growing stronger every second. I knew now I had found my soulmate that will forever be by my side.

The End!

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