Lala's Story

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It was a chilly early fall night. Stars scatterd through out the dark midnight sky. It was a full moon tonight so I thought it would be a great idea to set up a fire in our firepit in the back yard! The pit was about two feet deep surrounded by polished cobblestone around the edge. The area around it was all polished stone ranging from greys to browns.  Two beautiful dark oak chairs were set up side by side. I had put charcoal in the pit earlier that day to prepare ahead of time. Lala was currently in the house getting ready so to pass the time I began taking some logs out of the log holder.

*thump*.....*thump* the sound of the wood hitting the bottom of the pit. *scratch* *scratch* I began striking a match to start the fire. A small flash emerged followed by a flame at the tip. "Got it!" I said aloud. *flick* *woosh* the pit instantly became alight. "There we go! Sure will be nice and cozy once it really gets going!"

*creek* *click* I glance behind me. Lala was standing at the breezeway door that led to the backyard. Standing there the moonlight striking her cloak made a glowing white aura around her. You could see all the stars reflecting in her scythe as if she was holding the galaxy in the palm of her hand. White hair glistening in the moonlight bright bluish purple skin reflecting making her even more eye catching her yellow pupils gazing at the fire I could see in her eyes. Before me Lala looked like a night guardian of the darkness willing to fight for her life at any given moment.

"The fire is burning great Lala come on over and sit with me." "My permanant cold body will be filled with a sense of slight comfort I shall look foward to." *crunch* *crunch* the autumn leaves making contact with her boots as she crossed the yard. "Impressive flames mortal!" She said in a strong voice standing by my side. "Thank you! Take a seat next to me!" *clack* she struck her scythe onto the stone. The flames towered above us like a tidal wave making a crackling sound. I take a glance at her an orange glow shining onto her made it a beautiful sight to see. *pop* Lala took her head off and held it in her left arm making herself comfortable looking so adorable. "Ahh the flames feel like the warmth of hell brightning my cold heart!" "It does feel very nice" I agreed in response. "The energy coursing through my cursed body growing ever so stronger." I shuffle my chair closer to her. "Its a beautiful night isnt it?" "Indeed it's dark like the inside of my soul." I giggle silently to myself. Thinking in my head she may be a Dullahan she isn't scary at all its pretty adorable how mysterious she is!  Grasping her hand she felt cold to the touch but gave a cool relaxing feeling. I didn't mind at all. Peeking over towards her I see her face with a pink blush on both her cheeks and one of a kind smile on her face. Squeezing my hand in response I could tell Lala was a little bit embarrassed but it was too cute to ignore.

"Would you like to look up at the stars in the grass Lala?" "Indeed!" As she proceeded to adjust her head back on firmly. The grass felt cool to the touch. However from the warmth of the fire made it a relaxing sensation. Lala and I laid side by side about an inch apart. Stars gleaming and shining as far as you could see made an awe aspiring view. "Its a beautiful night isnt it?" "Agreed the stars seem to give of their own little beacon to the dark energy calling out." I snuggle up to Lala seeing a shy expression on her face I could tell how hard she was trying to hide it but to no avail. "Don't worry Lala no need to be shy its alright." "What is this feeling in my empty heart? Why do I have this lightness in the depths of inside me?" She whispered to herself but not loud enough for me to hear. "Its alright Lala! We are here to have a great relaxing night aren't we?" Slowly she cuddles up to me and rests her head on my chest and places her hand over my heart giving in. I smile to myself feeling happy. I knew she felt happy inside it was very obvious I know she can be very shy.

A bright flash then suddenly zoomed across the dim sky. It was a shooting star I came to realise. "Look Lala!" Both of us struck of the view of such an unatural beauty. "Make a wish!" With a ping the star disappeared. She gripped my shirt tight. "Perhaps I may have feelings for this mortal. I've never experienced such an unatural feeling like this!" Gazing into my heart through my eyes I could see a pinkish blush on her face followed by a heart bursting smile. "Lala?" "I seem to be... In.... Love with.... This..mortal..... Soul.."

Lala feel dead asleep she looked so exhausted. I gently pick her up carrying her bridal style. I should probably carry her to bed! As quietly as I could trying not to crunch any leaves. I slide open the door to the house being very cautious not to wake her. *tap* *tap* *tap* silent like a mouse carrying her up the stairs. Pushing the door softly open with my body I proceeded to tuck her into bed. It was king sized bed with perfect clean white covers. I fluffed up a pillow then I gently placed her down onto the  bed while her head was perfectly rested on the pillow. I scooch in slowly making sure not to awake Lala. White hair matching the pillow case and the cutest face she looked so adorable. "Good night Lala...." Giving her a quick kiss on the lips. I reach over for the cord of the lamp *click* maybe Dullahans have a warm side to them afterall!

The End!!

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