Cerea's Story

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It was a warm first day of summer the birds chirping and beautiful white clouds overhead with a stunning bright burning sun lighting the sky. During the winter and late fall Cerea hasn't been able to go on daily runs as often and keep active lately so I thought it would be a great idea to go to an archery range and walk through the forest admiring the scenery. We started walking down a dirt trail with rocks on the edge of the path for guidance.

"We are almost there master just a little bit further and there should be a clearing soon" as she smiled bright."Alright! We will have a great time can't wait to see how well the bow you have works!!" "I haven't been practising much lately it will feel relaxing to finally test my skills and see how well I have been training over time." she said in an excited tone! As we walked each step her left hoove would be in sinc with my foot making a light trot sound on the hard dirt making contact with her horseshoe. I shuffle my arm and hold her hand very gently as we continued our way. Out of the corner of my eye I had a glimps of her face her eyes lit up with a white gleam in her blue pupil her ears flickered with her cheeks bright red as a rose with a smile across her face. I pretended not to notice while I smiled and looked ahead of the path. Beams of light shining on the forest floor making an emotional eye captivating aura. "This forest is beautiful isn't it Cerea!" "Indeed master the suns energy flowing through the creases of the trees give an astonishing view!" I take a glance at her the rays of sunlight reflecting off her golden yellow hair and with a slight breeze making her hair flow and wave in the wind looking majestic and stunning. Golden glow set upon me like a beacon. She noticed me gazing at her. "Is something wrong master? As your loyal servant you can tell me anything!" "Oh! Absolutely not! Your hair its so captivating how the lighting shines on you and makes it so admiring! I was just gazing at how pretty and majestic it makes you look!" Her eyes go wide with a surprised look that quickly turned into a heart warming smile. "O...oh thank.. Thank you so much master that's so sweet of you to say!"as her face was as bright red as a cherry. "Your very welcome", I reply with a wide smile on my face.

We now came upon a huge clearing with a wide open field surrounded by a perfect rectangle of grass. Off to the left of the clearing I notice a little gazebo with a walkway made of a fine stained oak wood that turns into a little shooting balcony giving a view of the whole field. Targets were placed at different ranges on the field going from 50 meters all the way to 100 meters. The targets appeared to be a classic black circle with a red dot in the middle. "We made it! This range is huge I had no idea!" "It's magnificent isn't it?" "Absolutely! Have you ever been here before?" "Only a handful." Cerea had an arrow quiver on her back it had a smooth brown leather finish with silver straps. The arrows in the quiver looked hand crafted with perfect white feathers on the end. The tips were skilfully carved out of rock with a slit in the stick for it to fit nice and snug. "You do crafting? The arrows look so pristine!" "I learned how to make my own bows and arrows ever since I was just a little child and have been improving my skills ever since my father taught me!"

We walked up onto the balcony together and put our things on a little bench inside the gazebo. I put down my black duffel bag I had brought for the journey. "Lets see how I've improved since my last time!" She draws her hand back swiftly and grasps an arrow out of the quiver so naturally. With the bow griped in her left hand tightly she proceeded to insert an arrow. I could see the focus in her eye looking like an eagle gazing at a rabbit. With a sparkle in her eye with very little effort I see the string gain tension and within a flash the arrow zooms out hiting the bullseye on a target down range. In awe my mouth gaping open at the sight of what I witnessed.

" Wow that was awesome Cerea!! You looked so natural like you were a warrior!" Well a servant should know how to strategically protect her master at any given moment she smirks and winks. Out of the corner of my eye I notice an extra bow on a stand built into the balcony. I head over to it and swipe it up. "Alright let's see what I can do!" I have never shot a bow before but felt a little confident on what I was doing. I had my eyes glued on a target about half way down range. Raising my arm with precison I thought surely I could hit it! With a tight grip I release the arrow but I hadnt noticed I hadn't lined up my shot correctly. The arrow flew a short distance landing into the soft dirt. I let out a sad sie unaware Cerea had heard me. "Don't worry master". she smiles lowering her bow down towards the floor resting against her stomach. *clank* *trot* *clank* *trot* her hooves made on the wood floor sounding like a pattern of a melody. Putting her hand on my shoulder in a soothing voice "I will teach you how to properly shoot a bow its simple". she says with a smile. Taking my hand she adjusts my aim slightly guiding me along. "Just relax your forearm so your not straining your muscle to make it easier to keep steady." "Ok I see." "Now let me help you get in position." With her body pressed up against my back and her head on my shoulder she brings her arms around and helps guide me towards the direction of the target. I was blushing very bright but luckily for me she didn't notice.  "Just a little more to the right... and....release!!" *feew* the arrow soared through the air like a speeding bullet with a loud thud dead center onto the bullseye! "I did it!!" I laughed and smiled with excitment "thank you for teaching me Cerea!"with my face bright red. "Anything as your servant" she exclaimed with her cheeks blushing. I pat her on the back as a sign of gratitude. We kept on going for hours! We had almost lost track of time! We decided to take a break and sit on the bench at the end of the balcony.

"Archery is a ton of fun!! And thanks to you I'm starting to get the hang of it!!" "Indeed today is a great day and perfect weather for outdoor activities!" I notice her sword in its sheath on the end of the bench next to her which made my mind tick! "Oh!! I had almost forgot something I brought along! I will be right back!" "Ok!" With a questionably uncertain look on her face.  "It will only take a second!" I assured.

I head over to my duffel bag and pull out a decorated box. It had a metalic finish in a royal purple color with a golden bow on top. I turn and start heading back towards Cerea making sure she hadn't noticed and not being able to see what I was carrying. "Cerea?" I asked camly? "What is it master? Are you alright?" "Im fine" saying with a bright smile. "Could you just close your eyes for one second?" "Uhh....sure" she said in a worried confused voice I pulled the box out from behind me holding both my arms out like I was presenting a scroll. "Put your hands out in front of you" I whispered in a soft voice. "Okay.." I rest the box ever so gently on her hands. "Okay you can open your eyes" I exclaimed in a charming voice. Her eyes opened slowly looking at the purple box before her, eyes wide, blue pupils as big as could be. "Open it! Don't worry!" "For.. For me" she questioned in a surprised look. Pulling one end of the gold ribbon carefully she opened the mysterious gift. Inside there was a black cloth hiding a long heavy object. With a pinch of her nail the cloth slid back and revealed a sheath. I kindly took the box setting it aside. A hilt with a fine gold tone was sticking out of one end. Carefully grasping it removing the object from its sheath was revealed to be a sword. The metal blade shinning in the sun I could see how in awe cerea was. With a sudden gasp  "Ma... Ma.. Master?" She questioned while examining the stunning piece before her eyes. "Wait that isn't all!" Turning the sword around revealed an engraving in the sparkling gold hilt reading in fluorescent silver cursive letters read: Master's Guardian ~ Cerea Shianus. "I figured today would be the best day to give this gift to you I hope you enjoy it!!" Raising her head from the pristine cold blade I could see Cerea's eyes watering with a heart melting smile on her face. With a white gleam in her beautiful blue captivating eyes she sprung up and hugged me with all her strength. Not letting go I could feel tears of joy rolling from her eyes down her cheeks. I wrap my arms around her waist holding her tight against me. "Tha... Thank you master.." Trying to hold back her happy sobs. I could feel her tail flowing back and forth in joy! "I will eternaly be graceful for this day I have spent with my dearest master!" I could feel her heart racing like an earthquake. I lift her head with my finger gently and press my lips slowly against hers. I felt a tear of happiness rolling from my eye as I gazed into the pink and orange sunset thinking about how this love will never be broken!


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