Doppel's Story

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It was a warm mid June night a beautiful pink and orange sun set was spread along the skyline. Doppel wanted to go on a fun date since miss Smith and the squad weren't active lately and what better way to do it was going to a rock band concert at a local football stadium! I had purchased front row viewing! Doppel was on her way over to my house while I had been preparing for the day. The outfit I had chosen was baggy black cargo pants and light blue sweatshirt.

"Hope she got the address right" whispering to myself. Immediately the doorbell rang. *knock* *knock* *knock* "oh that must be her!! Coming!" Shuffling to the door. Twisting the handle the door flung open. There stood Doppel she wasn't wearing any clothing with the only thing covering her was the bright white hair surrounding her as she normally does. "Doppel? Shouldn't you put some clothes on? I thought you had everything ready!" "Haha your so stubborn silly!" The flocks of hair began to flutter and shapeshift changing suddenly. Upon her bare skin became a beautiful white dress covered in glistening sparkles. The dress combined along with her chocolate brown skin made Doppel look incredible! Around her feet now had gourgeous red sparkly high heels. Smirking at me in a mischievous vibe I was stunned of what I witnessed. "Didn't I tell you I was ready?" Winking at me. "My apologies! That's amazing you can do that I forgot you were able to!" "Ahh its nothing special!" "Ready to rock and roll!?" Winking hard at her. "Heck yeah!!" "Let's go!!" We high fived each other feeling pumped with energy!

*slam* shutting the car doors. "I'm so ready!! Let's get rolling!" Twisting my key in the ignition the car roared as if it were alive! Twisting my fingers on the radio volume knob I cranked up some tunes making the car shake and vibrate as we drove along. Bobbing our heads up and down as we each hung an arm out the windows. Driving along entertaining us all the way to the stadium.

*ding* *ding* *ding* *ding* the car door emitted. "Here we are!" "This is going to be wicked!" Doppel's yellow eyes lit up in amaze of the enormous stadium. The lights from the inside made a beacon into the star lit sky. "Let me switch to something more appropriate!" Doppel said out loud with a finger on her chin thinking. White hair fluttering and shapeshifting once again except this time upon her chest formed a black crop top with cursive yellow letters spelling out: ready to rock? Around her waist now doppel was wearing skin tight tan short shorts and a thin small choker around her neck. Doppel looked awesome in the outfit like she was born to be wild for the party life! "Let's get this party started!" Feeling pumped! "Partying with me and my boyfriend!" Smiling into my eyes. Placing my hand on Doppel's right hip as we strolled along towards the entrance. In response Doppel did the same back to me placing her left hand on my left hip.

Stepping onto the field making our way towards the front of the stage just in time to see the band walk onto the the stage. "How is everyone doing tonight!?" The crowed rumbled and roared in response. "That's what I like to hear! Let's kick this thing!" Booming speakers all around we could feel all the power from the electric guitars coursing through our veins! *woosh* pyrotechnics flashing infront of us you could feel the heat on your skin to the core! In Doppel's golden yellow eyes you could see the flames igniting and blasting into the atmosphere. Afterglow shining upon Doppel her white hair became a bright vibrant orange with each blast of fire. Laser lights beaming through a spectrum of different colors upon the two of us set a vibrant feeling. Each stroke upon the strings of each guitar felt intense to the ears!

We both turn to eachother hearts racing from the adrenaline I take her hand and pull her towards me and press her chest against mine. Blushing at the moment with the happiest smile on Doppel's face she leans in and smooches me on the lips. At the exact moment the song had switched tunes with an instrumental verse.

Taking her hand holding it on my heart we danced and swayed back and forth to the tune. Resting my head upon her's with Doppel's cheek buried into my upper chest a whisper came from doppel's mouth "this is the best date ever! I'm glad I got to spend this with you boyfriend!" Her pupils were huge gleaming in delight. My eyes gazing back into her's I could see right into her beating heart. "I'm very happy too Doppel!" Hugging doppel tightly against me massaging her cheek with my thumb. Gazing up into the star lit sky. This night will forever be the best of my life!

The End!  

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