~Chapter Three~

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Dur hur hurrrrrrrr,



Seven and Six walked around the vents, halls, and rooms in the Maw. Along the way they also coversed and kmew about each other more. Six really feels like she knows Seven, but she don't know where...

Author: BTW from here on I will make it up hahaha... Or maybe it was part of the game heck I don't know! I need recourses ASAP!!!

Mumu: Yeah sure I will get your resources...

They past a room with a big metal door, with also a big lock.

"Locked, hmm, I guess we need to find the key," Six muttered and looked around, Seven patted Six's shoulder.

"What?" Six asked, "How about on the table?" Seven asked and Six nodded. She climbed the bookshelves beside the table and plopped down to see a jar.

"Seven, I push the jar to the edge and you see if there is anything there!" Six exclaimed from below and Seven nodded. Six started pushing with all her might and it fell down with a clink!

The two both stopped looked around just in case a monster comes. Thank goodness none. Six starts her climb down and Seven went closer to the jar, there was a key inside, and also a slug. He jumped back when he saw a slug come it's way to him, a slow yet evil pursuit.

"Um... Six? You can get the key now!" Seven said as he slowly backed away from the slug.

"But," Six said as she saw the slug come it's way to Seven.

"Just get it!" Seven said as he dodge the slugs attack. Six ran to the jar and got the key, she looked up to see the slug trail to Seven's leg.

"Six?! Hurry up, please!" Seven whisper screamed, Six was amazed he wasn't freaking out. Six saw a jar shard and picked it up.

"Don't move, Seven!" Six said and aimed the shard to the slug.

"Don't move? I am already not moving!" Seven replied sarcasticlly. The slug crept closer to Seven's torso, "Six whatever you are thinking hurry up!" Seven screamed.

Six sighed as she relaxed and threw the jar shard, which amazingly hit the slug by the head. The slug went down and dissolved into a big black sludge.

"Wow," Seven gaped, "Nice throwing skills," he compilmented and Six blushed, "T-thanks." She said and picked up the key. Seven made his way to Six and slowly avoided the dead slug.

Six tip-toed and inserted the key into the lock, but she was straining to successfully insert it in. Curse being so short! She mentally cursed until she felt Seven's body behind her back and his hands on her hands as they both put the lock in, Six blushed from his contact.

"Hey if you needed help you can ask me, we are a team right?" Seven said and looked down on Six, "You are really short aren't you?"

Six looked up and glared at him, "And that's supposed to mean?"

Seven smiled, "It's cute."

Six blushed and chuckled, "Whatever sweet talker," Six said and Seven chuckled as they both twited the key and the lock unlocked.

Six pushed the big door and it creeked, scraping onto the metal floor. Six took a deep breath when she saw darkness.

"Let's go," Six said and walked in.

Seven nodded behind her, "Let's."


After more and more countless of obstacles, Six sighed and her stomach rumbled.

Author: I told you I'm making it my way~

Author: Hahahahahahahahahah Hungary Darky Sixy!

Oh no, Six face palmed and clutched on her stomach as she kneeled down and groad.

Seven looked back and his eyebrows widened, "Six are you okay?!" He said as he stepped closer, worried.

"F-food," Six muttered. Food? Seven thought.

"Six stay right here I will find some!" Seven said as he walked away.

.: Seven's P.O.V :.

I walked around looking for food. Oh god I need to hurry! I may known Six for just a few hours but it's like I met her before. Either way I can't lose my friend!

I walked past crates, only leather, rotten cheese, bandages, and wine which I knew was the Janitor's secret stash. I also find some dead rats, but Six can't eat those!

I kept looking until somewhere far away I heard a bang! of a metal. My eyes widened as I ran back to Six. Fear rushed to me as I looked around and I stopped when I saw...

Six was inside the metal cage while eating a peice of meat. I hid behind some boxes while the Janitor climbed down and carried Six away.

I have to think of something! I can't lose my only friend!

I sighed as I slowly followed the Janitor in the dark.

"Don't worry Six, I'll save you," I muttered under my breath as I saw Six lose her consiousness. And here I go follow the Janitor to where ever he is going.


At last I see the liiiiiiight! I got this idea and I'm so happy!

I see the light! Writer's Block be gone!

Mumu: *sigh* When a writer manages to leave writer's block it's like heavens by her side.

So long, Vons!

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