~Chapter Thirteen~

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Author: Holy Mother of Gingivitis! I'm so evil I did such horrible cliff hanger!

Author: Please forgive me please....

Mumu: Ahuh.

Author: I am thinking of doing such horrible ideas for the story so you've been warned...

Mumu: Yeah, like ki-

Author: nO SPOILERS! *covers Mumu's mouth*

Mumu: mmmfph?!

Author: How many times will I be saying I'm sorry here?

Myoni: Let's count it!


.: Seven's P.o.V:.
.: Before he was Caught :.

Seven didn't like the all splitting up plan Six thought, but somehow, he managed to find a flashlight along the way, also some new parts in the Maw he hasn't explored yet.

He kept on walking, he met some Nomes along the way and greeted them all before leaving. But he heard light footsteps behind him so he turned back, only to see Kyle.

"Hello, Kyle, what do you want?" He said and Kyle hugged his leg.

"You want to come with me?" Seven asked and Kyle nodded.

Seven smiled, "Sure, but let go of my leg though," he said and Kyle let go of his leg, then off they went to explore.

They went into another room, and Seven saw some crates so he rummaged around out of curiousity.

Kyle, though, was tugging his jacket.

He looked back to Kyle, "What?"

Before Kyle could even answer, the door opened to reveal the Janitor, Seven was shocked when he saw The Janitor had his arms back.

How could that happen? I'm sure they were cut off! Seven thought. The Janitor sniffed around and started patting, looking for Seven. Seven ran around, avoiding his grasp. Kyle ran away and hid somewhere, smart Nome.

The Janitor smiled wickedly when he somehow knew this was his target. He started catching Seven more visciously.

Seven tried to dodge but he got slapped by the other hand, the Janitor grabbed Seven. Seven screamed and pounded his fist on the Janitor's hand, he also scratched it. But nothing happened, it only made the Janitor grasp tighter.

"Not now, you f*cking brat, I will send you to the Lady, now sit on tight before I bring you to her dead," The Janitor said, against his will, Seven stopped scrathing and punching then shut up. But he worried about Six, what would've happened to her?


.: Six's P.o.V :.

Six kept on falling.

Sceaming all the way, it was so dark, but she can see herself, she looked around and noticed Reginold wasn't with her anymore. Even though he was behind her.

Finally the falling sensation stopped and she landed harshly with a thud.

She looked around her surroundings, one thing that was odd was it was black and white, like in old movies, the furniture was like it was made of mist, it looked like a mist hologram. Suddenly, it moved like an old T.V. showing Six's past.

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