~Chapter Fourteen~

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Author: In this one day I made like three to four chapters....

Mumu: Be glad, rather than having no idea at all.

Author: STFU. Also readers...


Author: No rats or Nomes were harmed in the making of this chapter.

Author: I'M SORRY.


.: Seven's P.o.V (CALM DOWN SEVEN'S MOMS) :.

Seven was brought to the Lady's quarters, he first thought he would be going back to a chained bed but noooo, maybe the Lady wanted to make him forget AGAIN.

Still being held by the stupid, long armed ressurected, cussed like a drunken sailor Janitor. He tried squirming out of his grasp, but it only made The Janitor hold onto him tighter.

"Your Highness?" The Janitor called from the lounge room, the Lady shadow teleported into the lounge and made The Janitor jump a bit. The Lady then slumped into one of the seats.

The Janitor shifted when he heard the Lady sit down noisily, "Are you okay, Your Highness?"

The Lady roared in frustration, "NO! I'M NOT! MY BLASTED DAUGHTER FOUGHT BACK MY MAGIC!"

Seven looked at the Lady, who would've known this was Six's mother? Wait... Did the Lady harmed Six? Okay now Seven was furious about that.

But she did say Six fought it back, Seven was now very very worried, what is happening to Six now?

"Um, Your Highness, I brought back the child," the Janitor said.

The Lady calmed down, "Really? Let me see him."

The Janitor showed Seven, and Seven shook when he stared face-to-face with the Lady. Was he going to be turned into a Nome?

Oh, he hoped not...

The Lady lifted Seven, "Now, when kids used to run away I turned them into Nomes, and I think you know that... But I won't turn you into one just yet, I would... Harm you first, I did told Six we'll play a game. So for now... Let's hide you shall we?" The Lady said.

Seven wanted to give her an awful comeback but his voice failed him, so off he went to where ever was this ugly hideous evil selfish Lady was bringing him.

"And Rodger, you are dismissed," The Lady said and The Janitor bowed once more before leaving.


.: Six's P.o.V :.

Six and Reginold explored around the vents, she didn't know if this game the Lady thought was timed or what but she was going to find Seven, she didn't care whoever stopped her.

Six heard another scuttling noise aside from Reginold, she looked back and saw another Nome running, Six's eyebrow raised.

Reginold hugged the Nome before looking at Six, the Nome pulled on to Six's raincoat.

"What?" Six asked.

The Nome kept pulling, until he looked at Reginold and they made a silent conversation, Reginold nodded and also tugged Six's raincoat.

Six looked at the new Nome, finding out whoever this may be... "Are you Kyle?"

Kyle nodded, he looked around and saw a poster, "Yes I am Kyle. No time. Seven caught," he wrote and showed it to her.

Six looked at Kyle wide-eyed, "Do you know where Seven is right now?"

Kyle nodded, "Yes. Follow, hurry!" He wrote and showed Six.

Six nodded, "Okay, sure," she said and Kyle walked ahead as Six followed and Reginold right behind her.


They made it to the pipes, and Six looked down below to see the ugly fat pigs called guests. She gulped, then carried on to follow Kyle.

Kyle zipped past below tables, and above vents, so Six followed to not be noticed. But it failed and she was multiple times being caught by either one or two of the nasty pigs.

Finally, they made it closer to the Lady's quarters. But why now out of all this time, Six's stomach grumbled, and she kneeled down in pain.

Author: I'M SORRY.

Kyle looked back to Six tilting his head a little. Six saw Reginold holding out a sausage, maybe from the pouch Chef Percy gave her.

Author: I'M SORRY.

Six closed in on Reginold, Kyle didn't like any of this at all.

Author: You know what, f*ck my idea. I hate it anyways...

Before Six could lunge on Reginold, Reginold shoved the peice of sausage into her mouth, Kyle sighed in relief when Reginold wasn't eaten.

Mumu: I thought you were going to murder Reginold!

Author: *straight face* I couldn't...

Mumu: What kind of writer are you?!

Six gulped the sausage and coughed, "The hell Reginold?"

Reginold held out a poster saying, "You needed it more than me... I tell you the sausage taste better."

Six looked at Reginold, "I'm sorry..."

Reginold shrugged, held out another poster, "Eh, it's okay."

Kyle tugged Six's sleeve, "Yeah, I'm okay, let's go..." she said as she stood up and they kept on walking. Avoiding the guests who are like 'No Face' in Spirited Away. (If you watched Pewds play it you'll get what I'm sayin)

But oh no... They walked into one room and the guests started coming together to eat them all, Six ran with all her might and they jumped.

Finally after near death experiences from the guests, they made it to the Lady's quarters.



Mumu: Shut up, you'll be okay.

Author: I'M SO F*CKING HORRIBLE... *curls in a corner hugging her pillow sobbing*

Myoni: One of those rare chances you see Author crying...

Mumu: Oh well! *looks at readers* Be thankful Author didn't carry on and murdered Reginold, vote, comment, and see you next time.

Wattpad: Publish Finished.

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