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     Hands in his hoodie pocket, Sebastian walked down the trail to the end to meet up with Sam. He usually wasn't one to come to the beach in broad daylight but he really wanted to talk about the band sooner or later.

"Hey." Sebastian said finally catching up with the rest of them. Sam was standing near the coastline while his younger brother, Vincent, was sitting in front of him working on a sandcastle. "What's up?" 

Sam turned around at the sound of footsteps on the sand and grinned, "Hey! I just thought it was such a nice day out so I'm watching Vince make sandcastles." Sam looked down and hesitated then looked back up at Sebastian. "Our dad used to take us to the beach on days like this so I like to continue for Vincent's sake."


Both Sam and Sebastian flinched slightly, unaware that Vincent had walked up aside them. Vincent was quietly looking up at them while still holding his bucket and shovel.

"Is dad ever gonna come home?" Vincent shifted in his place and looked down.

Sam smiled and bent down to face Vincent, "Of course Vince! Dad's gonna come back as soon as he can!"

Vincent held his hands together and looked back up and Sam, concerned. "I.. But I heard some grown-ups say that all of our troops are getting shot to pieces!" 

Sam's eyes widened but tried to keep his composure to not worry Vincent. Sebastian on the other hand looked away with his hand over his mouth. Neither of them wanted to make Vincent any more upset then he already was.

Sam held Vincent's hand in an attempt to comfort him. "You can't believe everything you hear Vince! Dad's strong remember? He would never let anyone get in his way of coming home to us! Come here," Sam pulled Vincent into an embrace "If you're ever lonely always remember that Mom and I are here to play with you. Okay?"

"Okay!" Vincent happily went back to building the small sand-town that he was working on. Sebastian was looking down, the tips of his ears flushed red. He was touched but would never admit that to Sam.

"To be honest... I don't know if he'll be back. I've been reading the news and it hasn't been pretty." Sam whispered, looking back at Sebastian for advice.

"No, no, you did great, Sam!" Sebastian looked back at Vincent. "He doesn't need to be wrapped up in all that. Kids should have hope."

Sam smiled at him, "I agree. Kids should be able to play and have fun while they still can. He's only seven for Yoba's sake." Sam's eyes widened slightly in realization. "Oh! Yeah, I forgot. The whole reason we came here was so I can tell you that the bands coming along! Abigail agreed to be the drummer!"

"Oh, great." Sebastian smiled slightly "She's a really good drummer, right?"

Sam hesitated before decided to mess with Sebastian. "So...Abigail, huh.?

Sebastian looked annoyed at his tone of voice. "...What?" he answered irritated.

"Nothing! I just thought it was funny how you seemed to really want her in the band."

Sebastian hid his face in annoyance, "Yeah, because she's a good drummer! Yoba, Sam you can be so-" He stopped, seeing Sam trying to contain his laughter. "Annoying. You're so annoying, Sam."

Sam laughed at Sebastian getting so heated over nothing while Sebastian just stood there irritated and fidgeting with his hoodie strings.

"Would you stop, Sam? You're not so innocent either, Mr. 'I'm always hanging out with Penny!' He mocked.

"Hey! C'mon Sebastian, you know I'm not with Penny. I already get enough nagging about it from my mom. Plus, I think if Penny and I were dating, Vince would never forgive me."

Both of them laughed for a while until Vincent came over again, but this time asking if they could leave because of the heat.

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