Guitars and Skateboards

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The bus was all set and Sebastian's stuff was already all packed and inside. Their trip didn't start for another hour, but both Abigail and his instrument would have been a hassle to get on the bus any later then right now. Abigail sighed as she stepped out of the bus and wiped her hands on her pants.

"You alright, there?" Sebastian asked, noticing her reaction as he put his hands in his hoodie pockets.

Abigail took a deep breath. "First concert jitters, I guess." She responded while shaking her hands on the word 'jitters.' "Hey, could you go make sure Sam is awake by now?" She asked while taking out her phone, "He's not answering my texts."

"Sure, I'll be right back." Sebastian said, starting to head off towards Sam's house.


Sebastian walked up towards the back of Haley and Emily's house while hearing the noise of rolling wheels. Getting closer he noticed Sam skateboarding on one of the flower boxes in front. He thought it was funny at first, but that was quickly gone after he noticed Lewis, the town's mayor, stomping over. "Oh yoba, I do not want to deal with this." he thought to himself.

"HEY! What do you think you're doing? That's private property, Sam!" Lewis' voice was loud enough for the whole town to hear.

"I, I'm sorry, sir." Was all Sam could manage to mutter.

"Yoba, sometimes I wonder if this town isn't doom.. The youth these days.." Lewis complained before spotting Sebastian. "You saw what happened, Sebastian. What do you have to say about this?"

Sebastian hated confrontation, but this was his best friend. The word "best friend" echoed in his head. Why does that sound so weird? He had to stand up for him. "Don't blame Sam! There's nowhere else to ride!"

"Yeah!" Sam interjected, smiling. "If we had a skate park, I could ride there and everyone would be happy!"

Lewis grumbled to himself. "I thought you were more mature than that, Sebastian." Lewis sighed and turned to Sam. "I'm sorry I yelled at you, Sam. But don't do that again." He demanded before walking off.

Sam stood there for awhile before turning to Sebastian. "Did you see that rad trick, though?" They both laughed at Sam's joke.

"Come on, you idiot." Sebastian laughed, "Let's go pack your stuff."

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