The Dance Of The Moonlight Jellies.

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Sam checked his digital watch as he walked towards the beach. 9:55 it read, almost time for the Dance of the Moonlight Jellies, the town's final summer festival. Listening to the soft crunch of the sand beneath him, he made his way to the docks, noticing Sebastian sitting over the edge.

"You're early, Seb!" Sam called as he made his way down the dock to where Sebastain was sitting. Sebastian, slightly startled by the sudden attention, turned around to face Sam. He motioned Sam over and pat the area next to him, signaling him to sit down.

"How long have you been here?" Sam asked as he sat down, dangling his feet over the edge. The noise of the sand was nice, but Sam had to admit the ocean was way better. To top it all off, It looked gorgeous this time of night.

"The past hour, I guess." Sebastian replied indifferently, "This is one of the festivals that I kind of enjoy.. Although I did need to get out of the house."

Sam glanced at Sebastian. He knew his best friend for years now and things at home were never the best. "I know how you feel. Well, I don't exactly, but I understand."

Sebastian looked back at Sam. "Thanks, I get it." he mumbled as they made eye contact. Both boys' faces started to turn pink as they looked away.

"Why?" Sam thought, "It's just Sebastian, I've known him for years! Why does it feel so different recently?" He questioned himself before being interrupted by Sebastian's voice.

"I should probably go help my mom.." Sebastian said, still facing away from him. "She asked me to hold the lantern while she carried the boat to the water. I'll see you in a bit?"

"Yeah." Sam replied, noticing now that most of the townsfolk had started arriving along with Sebastian's mother, Robin, and her hand carved small wooden boat. "See you then." He said as Sebastian started to get up and leave.

Sam looked back at the water. "I have got to get my shit together." He thought to himself.


Abigail, Sam, and Sebastian stood in their usual place while watching the glowing jellyfish swim towards the light of the boat's lantern.

"Whoa.." Sam said aloud, gaining Sebastian's attention. "These things are so pretty.." The noise of the waves drowned out everyone's laughter and talking. "Isn't this the most beautiful thing you've ever seen?" Sam asked, clearly over exaggerating.

"Yeah." Sebastian said, still looking at Sam gazing at the ocean. "Yes, it is." He continued, while the tips of his ears turn red from blushing.

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