The Concert

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Sitting backstage Sebastian stared as the curtain slightly moved from left to right, not fully opening but enough to see people in the crowd. It made him nervous, Sam's mother was here! Sebastian snapped back to reality.. Why would he care about Jodi? I mean, it's not like they had the highest opinion of each other but he had this weird feeling. Like he wanted to impress her? Sebastian grabbed his hair and groaned, forget it and focus on the band.

Sam on the other hand was handling his nervousness a lot more noticeable. He was tapping his foot and quietly clapping to himself to help calm himself down. This was their first show, so it had to go great right? Luckily they were playing the songs that had better reception online but that included the one he wrote about Sebastian, but he didn't tell anyone about that. In fact, he was planning on telling them while on stage. What if it went wrong and-

"Sam! Oh my god, stop making noise!" Abigail yelled as she stood up. "You're gonna make me lose it and I really would rather not take my anger out on the drums tonight." She brushed out her purple hair while walking over to the curtain.

Sam flinched and held his hands together quickly at the sudden yelling. "Sorry! Sorry! I stim a lot when I'm nervous." He resorted to a more quiet fidget and started to mess with his thumbs.

Abigail crossed her arms. "Listen, I'm gonna go introduce us since I'm obviously way more sociable and the audience LOVES me." Abigail jokingly said.

Sebastian rolled his eyes as she left. "Whatever." he mumbled while walking over to Sam. "Hey." He greeted him while poking his arm. "You ready?"

Sam's ears went red from being suddenly touched as he tried to avoid eye contact. He wasn't very good at this but luckily Sebastian either didn't notice or ignored it. "To be completely honest, I'm nervous. More than usual. I mean, If I mess up, our entire careers are on the line!" Sam bit his thumb.

"You're not going to mess up." Sebastian looked at the floor. "I know you, okay? I've heard you play and I know you can do this." Sebastian sighed and started to walk to the curtain as Abigail before being grabbed by the hoodie.

Sam was looking at the floor as Sebastian looked back at him, Sam's two fingers clutching his sleeve. Sam fidgeted with his other hand as he spoke. "Thank you.. Seriously. That means a lot coming from you." Without hesitating he walked on stage and before he could process anything Sebastian followed.

Cheers erupted while Sam took the microphone from Abigail. He smiled at the crowd, still red from earlier. He glanced around the crowd spotting everyone from Pelican Town. Jodi, Vincent, Leah, Elliot, Penny, even Shane came out to see them. They wouldn't be disappointed.

"Thanks so much Abby! Our first song is dedicated to my best friend in the entire world, so everyone make sure to cheer him on! Ready?"

[note: hey! I have not updated this in 8 months! my stardew valley hyperfixtation pretty much ended but i've had the motivation to finish this so hi :) have around 2-3 chapters left anyway]

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 01, 2020 ⏰

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