Bus Ride

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Rolling over a stick, the bus bounced slightly with everyone on it. Pam's jerky driving wasn't anything they weren't used to but it wasn't ideal. With every sharp turn, Penny would squeak and have to be grabbed by Shane, who was next to her, to avoid almost falling. Sam laid back, sighing and rubbing his head.

"What's up?" Sebastian asked, turning to him. Sam groaned, "I brought the latest issue of this comic book but everytime I try to read it my head aches."

"Sam I think you have motion sickness." Sebastian laughed. "We're on a bus. What comic book is that?"

Sam held up the cover. "Cave Saga X. It's the only issue I haven't read yet."

"Hey, I love that series! I have all of them in my room, under my desk." He continued to ramble for a minute before stopping himself and blushing. "Ah... Sorry, you probably don't care." He said, as if this wasn't the first time something like this has happened.

Sam's eyes lit up slightly as he saw Sebastian's face fall. "No, no!! It's fine, I like listening to you talk about stuff you're passionate about!"

Sebastian looked away, his whole face red. "Thank you.. It's really nice to hear you say that."

The slight bump caused another shriek from Penny. Shane cursed as he helped her the quickly apologized for cursing.

"I was thinking.." Sebastian continued, trying to change the subject. "..people are like stones skipping over water."

Sam looked back at him, slightly confused. "How so?"

"Eventually, we're all going to sink."

Sam was taken back in shock at the sudden change of mood. "Really dark, Seb. You okay?" He asked jokingly.

Sebastian looked down at his bag by his feet. "Yeah, I just, get like this during this time of year." He shrugged it off. "I don't know why."

Sam looked over as if he was going to say something but was interrupted as the bus came to an abrupt stop.

"We're here." Pam called back to them as she started to get up to leave the bus. Gathering their stuff and heading out Sam could see just how many people actually wanted to come out and support him. Jodi, Vince, Penny, Leah, Elliott, the farmer, Harvey. Even Shane came even though he and Sam were co-workers at best. It felt...nice to be supported after all the work he, Sebastian, and Abigail worked on this.

"Are you ready?" Abby called out eagerly to both of them. They all smiled and high-fived before heading backstage.

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