When He Comes Home

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There was a knock on the door. You pulled yourself up off of the couch and checked the peephole. When you saw him, you squealed and flung the door open.

"Hey, -" Jake was cut short by you flinging yourself into his arms. He struggled a couple of steps forward and dropped his bags inside before grabbing you with one arm. He kept trying to shut the door, but the bags blocked the way. You giggled and wrapped your legs around him.

"I am NOT letting go" you said through a giggle. Jake let out a sarcastic huff. He smiled into your shoulder and tried to kick his bag out of the way.

"You make this way more difficult than it has to be," He smiled and kissed your neck.

"Ok fine, but I have to make up for lost time at some point, you said as you slowly climbed off of him, nearly tripping on his bag strap in the process. It was lucky that Jake still had a hold of you otherwise you would have wiped out. He laughed heartily and set you on your feet. He picked his bags up and you helped. You started up the stairs to the bedroom with his bag as he shut the door. Jake quickly followed you.

You dropped his heavy bag on the floor with a thud and turned around to see him behind you. You smiled. You had missed him so much; it was a relief that he was finally home. He dropped his bag near the other one and walked straight towards you. He wrapped his arms under yours, lifting you up. Both of you fell onto the bed behind you. He covered your face and neck in kisses. You laughed until you couldn't breath and had to push him off.

"Food first!" You yelled through your laughter.

"That's probably a good idea," Jake said next to you before taking a big breath and getting up. You followed him downstairs into the kitchen.

"I bought all the stuff to make chicken pot pie. I was gonna make it for you, but you are home earlier than I thought you would be." You picked up the onion on the counter looked at it and put it back down before seeing Jake had stuck his head into the fridge.

"Let's do it!" Jake grinned and pulled the dough you had pre-made from the fridge.

You set to work chopping the veggies and chicken while he rolled the dough out and pressed it into the individual pie tins you loved so much. He helped with the filling and finally you guys had all of the small pies in the oven.

"I hope you like chicken pot pie" You giggled into his chest as you stood together admiring your food cooking. You felt his laugh more than heard it as you ran your hands down his toned body. He pulled you closer with his hand on your waist. Jake kissed the top of your head.

"Darling, I know how much you love it and that is enough for me. I can't wait to tell you all about the junkets while we eat."

You smiled and looked up at him.

"I wish I could have come with you. It's a shame I had to work."

"Let's plan on next time" Jake smoothed your hair down and kissed your head. You closed your eyes and listened to his heartbeat. His solid chest was overwhelmingly comforting to you. You had missed him so deeply. You were excited to sleep better and have him near. Maybe the aching you felt in your stomach would go away now that you held him.

"Ok," you started pulling yourself away from him, "Tell me everything. I am so ready." You hopped up on the island behind him looking at him eagerly. He walked over and stood between your legs. His hands were on both of your knees.

The ringing of the timer startled you out of Jake's story. You listened as he finished but glanced over his shoulder at the oven. God forbid the pies burn; you were so hungry. He took a breath to continue but your stomach monopolized the silence with a loud growl. He laughed.

"I'll finish after we eat" Jake helped you off of the counter and you waddled over to the oven before your legs stopped tingling. You had sat for longer than you had realized.

"Babe, catch!" You turned and nabbed the pot holders out of the air aggressively, flinching away in the process.

"Jake! Don't throw stuff at me! I don't catch things," you reprimanded half joking but mostly serious.

"But you caught it! It's fine!" Jake said pulling his shoulders up and showing his hands to you in surrender. You thought it was funny when his eyes got big like that.

He set the table as you pulled the pies out. You checked the temperature and determining they were ready, you walked them over. You left the extras on the island to cool while two were ready for your delicious meal. You were about the sit down when Jake stopped you.

"Hold on! I have something. Just wait, I'll be right back." He ran out of the room and came back quickly with candles. You giggled and walked into the kitchen to grab the matches. Jake was ready and he threw his hands like Mysterio while you lit the candles. You both laughed as he claimed his laser hands had made your night more magical.

He continued his story from earlier and you listened intently. You both finished your food as the candles burned shorter. You played footsie under the small table and you relished him being so close. By the end of supper, you were both loudly talking and laughing. It was so simple with him. You were only you and Jake was just Jake. This was perfect. You took a second while he was washing dishes to admire the moment you had made together. That one was a keeper.

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