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Do you remember that one time we were together...? When you promised to never let me go... When we thought we had found what we needed... When we gave our souls and hearts to eachother...

When you left. And never came back...

Maybe all of this was an illusion. Or maybe this was only me. Maybe I thought you loved me the way I loved you. The way I cared for you... The way I cried for you.

Maybe this was all a lie. Maybe this was a game for you. Maybe you thought you can change. And maybe you were too weak. 

Maybe I was too naive, too young to see the real you. Maybe I was blind and didn't want to know the truth. Maybe I was hiding from reality. Maybe I believed you.

Sometimes you tried. Tried to be better. But you gave up easily. You thought I wasn't worth it because I was just a girl. Little, happy and in love. Too in love to see. Too in love to care about others except you. Because then you were everything to me. I was ready to die for you. And you didn't care.

You see, all this time you played with me, you treated me badly, all you cared about was you and you thought you were better than me. But you see, at the end you are just as lonely as I am. 

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