Chapter one

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    “I am the most powerful being here; if you honestly think you can defeat me...ha ha’re wrong.” The powerful being plays with her crown before carefully placing it on top of her head. “ about some cakes? Alfred;” She says before ringing a small golden bell. Alfred did not come so she rang it again and it sounded very loud. ERRT ERRT ERRT!
    Celeste let out a groan as her eyes opened, the crust in her eyes ripping apart. She rubbed her eyes before reaching over her body pillow and shutting off her alarm clock. Then she sat up and stretched, letting out a yawn that sounded like a cat in pain. Then she blinked, smacked her lips, then fell onto her back and fell back asleep.
    Then she awoke again, sitting up abruptly and looking at her alarm clock. “6:45! I only laid down for like five seconds!” She exclaimed before quickly hopping out of bed, knocking her body pillow to the floor as she hustled to the bathroom to go pee and wash her face. Celeste grabbed her uniform and put it in the automatic press before changing into a pair of clean underwear and socks. Then she took out her uniform and hastily put it on. She attempted to put on her tie while simultaneously brushing her teeth. She put on a pair of blue checkered knee high socks and black boots and combed her hair into a Mohawk, using all her bobby pins to do so.
    Celeste almost made it out of the door until she realized that she almost forgotten her book bag, student I.D, and her keys. So, she huffed as she turned and went back upstairs, grabbed what she needed, made sure everything was there, then ran outside. Her bus was already pulling away. “NO! WAIT! WAIT!” She yelled. It did not wait. “Shit fuck damn.” Celeste sighed and put her hands on her hips. Then she pulled out her phone and called Ben, her best friend since they were in second grade.
    He was already on the road when he got Celeste’s call. “Incoming call.” The car said. Ben looked at the caller I.D and sighed as he pressed the accept button on the touch screen. “You missed the bus again didn’t you?” He asked. “Yeeah.” Celeste said. “I’m on my way, wait on your porch.” Ben said before hanging up. He rolled his eyes and shook his head as he made a U-turn.
    Ben pulled up and Celeste jumped off her porch and walked to his car. “You lock the front door?” Ben asked. Celeste sucked in a breath before turning and walking back up the steps to go and check. She turned the knob and the door open. She gave Ben a sheepish grin before locking the door.  “You look like you need a coffee.” Ben said as Celeste bucked up her seat belt. “Honestly, I do.” She laughed. Ben pulled up in the drive through at Cindie’s and simply said: “Its Ben and Celeste.” The woman on the intercom said “Pull up.” And he did. “Thank you, have a nice day.” Ben said as he handed Celeste her mocha coffee with whipped cream and chocolate shavings.
    “You know those aren’t free right? You owe me like, two thousand dollars.” Ben said as Celeste happily sipped her coffee. “No, I owe you 1,987 bucks.” She said. “Close enough!” They pulled up in the school’s parking lot and Samantha, a longhaired redhead with womanly curves, spotted Ben’s car and smiled as she started making her way towards them. “Ooh, Samantha.” Celeste teased poking Ben. “Stop... we made out last night...” Ben shared. He and Celeste looked at each other for a moment before a perverted smile spread across Celeste’s face. “Oh really?” She said. “Oh, get out.” Ben said rolling his eyes. Celeste laughed as she got out the car and waved good-bye to Ben before heading up to the school. Samantha walked up to Ben and greeted him with a kiss.
    “H-hey Cel.” Shadow, a shy spirit said as Celeste passed. “Oh hey, wassup?” Celeste asked, turning to look at him. Shadow blinked before remembering what he wanted and began fiddling with his sketchbook, as he opened it, a couple of papers fell out and Celeste picked them up for him. “Thanks. Oh, uh...Here.” Shadow said taking the papers and showing Celeste a page in his sketchbook. It was of a drawing of Celeste as Lord of Quinteria. “Whoa, that’s fantastical!” Celeste exclaimed as she took out her phone and took a picture of it. “This is defiantly my new screen saver, thanks S.” Celeste said. Shadow looked like he was about to say something, but then the bell rung signaling the start of class. “Oof gotta go, see ya.” Celeste said before walking off. “S-see ya.” Shadow mumbled before scratching the back of his head, then hurrying off to class.
    “Nate! No teleporting to class!” Cried Professor Clay. Nate just laughed as he made his way to the back of class. Celeste rolled her eyes and scribbled on her history folder. “Forms, I need forms please, if I don’t have a form from you, you can’t go to the museum.” Professor Clay was saying as he went around the class, taking permission forms from students. Celeste hastily took out her form and handed it to Professor Clay.
    “You’re good to go.” The lunch lady said and Celeste stepped out of the way and waited for Ben. “Uh, actually, I’m gonna sit with Sam today.” He said with an apologetic look. “Oh, that’s cool, just don’t forget about me.” Celeste said with a smile. Then she let her smile fall as she watched Ben hurry off to sit with his new girlfriend. With a sigh, she turned on her heel and went to go sit with Shadow and two more of his friends, Phantom and Macy. Phantom is another spirit and Macy is a fan of the occult.
    Celeste sat down and Phantom offered his orange to her. “No thanks.” Celeste waves her hand politely before digging her spoon into a plate of mashed potatoes. “Where’s Benny boy?” Shadow asked taking a bite of an apple. He looked up at Celeste as he drew in his sketchbook with his other hand. “Girlfriend.” Celeste said casually. Shadow shrugged and let his eyes fall back on his work. Macy leaned over to see what he was drawing. “Your drawing are pretty creepy, is that a real person? Are you depicting her future?” She asked. Shadow looked up at her and slowly moved his sketchbook away from her gaze. “No. Only seers can do stuff like that, I’m just drawn to death and enjoy drawing people for what they are, miserable.” Celeste rolled her eyes as she scrolled through Socialform.
    “Stuck at work. I’ll bring back a pizza.” Celeste’s uncle, Asher, texted her as she sat on the bus home. Celeste texted “K” and looked out the window of the bus. A fat sweaty kid sat next to her, he smelled of baloney. “Gym sucks.” Celeste said, looking at the kid. He looked up at her and nodded his head. “Yeah, it does, and Coach likes to pick on me most.” He said. Then Celeste, feeling encouraged, continued the conversation. “This is my stop.” Celeste said sometime later as the bus came to a stop. “Oh, okay, see you.” The kid said as he got up and moved out of Celeste’s way. She bowed at the bus driver before hopping off. Then she walked off back to her house.
    She stomped up the stairs, kicked off her boots, threw on some tights and one of her uncles shirts that shrunk in the wash. It was for some wrestler. Celeste put on some fuzzy socks then stomped downstairs and went into the kitchen to make cookies. The doorbell rung and Celeste went to see who it was. “Hey Eros, Ash isn’t here yet.” Celeste said, stepping aside so that Eros, Asher’s boyfriend could come in. “You’re baking?” He asked, sniffing the air. “Yup, they should be almost done.” Celeste said before turning on her heel to go check.  
    Asher did not show up until half past eight. He walked in with his hands full of papers, his suitcase, and a box of pizza. Eros and Celeste both looked up at him as they ate cookies. “Seriously? You’re eating cookies? Before dinner? You realize how unhealthy that is?” Asher asked after a moment. He dropped his papers and suitcase on the end table and pushed his hair out of his face. “Do you realize that you’re holding a pizza? Which is unhealthier?” Celeste questioned back, standing up and taking the box from him. “You’re right, it is unhealthy, we’re going on a diet, it’s time we treat our body’s right. Hey babe.” Asher declared before giving Eros a peck on the lips. Celeste rolled her eyes as she took out a slice of pizza out of the box.
    Asher and Eros left after Celeste went to bed, Asher had gotten a promotion and they decided to go out to celebrate. They are probably going to buy some cheap champagne and fast food and eat out at some park. Laughing and carrying on. Celeste took the opportunity to stay up until they came back, watching videos on OurTube. Shadow sent her a video on demons and how they shaped the world all the way into the ancient times. At four in the morning, Celeste heard the front door open and hastily closed her laptop and scurried off to sleep. Which was a rather difficult thing since all she could think about were demons coming in and possessing her soul.
    Which was a ridiculous fear since the country she lived in was ruled by a demonic lord, has been for centuries, and Quinteria was a rather nice place.


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