Chapter Thirteen

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    Who are you?
    “Celeste Archard.”
    Who are you?
    “I’m Celeste Archard.”
    Who are you?
    “I’m...I’m the holder of the WillowStone.”
    Who are you?
    “What do you want me to say!” Celeste was floating in space, she was space. She looked around her surroundings. Blackness and stars surrounded her. Who you are. Came a disembodied voice. “I don’t know who I am...” Celeste cried, becoming more and more frustrated. The voice didn’t come back. A blinding white light not unlike the one from museum appeared, causing Celeste to squint and shield herself. “Child.” Came the voice, although, now, it sounded like it was right in front of her. It was right in front of her.
    Celeste lowered her arms, then quickly averted her eyes. There was a woman floating in front of her, naked. “Look at me...Be unafraid.” She whispered and Celeste did as told, forcing herself with some effort, to look only at her face. But the pink glow radiating from her gave her away. The woman in front of her had dark skin, orange eyes, and short kinky black hair. Her ears were slightly pointed as well as her canine teeth. The woman smiled as she too, took in Celeste’s appearance.
    “You are beautiful, my child.” The woman said. Celeste covered herself, feeling that she was naked as well. “No need to be ashamed of your body...Let me see Willow...” The woman said, holding out her hand. It took Celeste a moment before she understood her request. Hesitantly, Celeste held her stonehand out and the woman took it, examining it.  She put the palm of her own hand over the stone and closed her eyes. Celeste watched with curious eyes. The woman smiled and looked at Celeste. “You’re to do great things, just as I have. Just remember, to start small. If you take on to big endeavors, then you’ll fall—“
    “Um, s-sorry to interrupt but, who are you?” Celeste asked. The woman stopped talking and gave Celeste a small glare. “I am Dimitra Acadia Teria Archard.” She said pointing to herself. Celeste

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