Chapter Nine

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Nothing bad did happen. Maybe it was nerves. Maybe Celeste was still shook from that night with the shadow creatures. She bought the shoes, Ben and Samantha got couple shirts, one that said, “Only a genius could love a woman like me” and the other said “I’m that genius.” They put them on and Celeste took pictures, and then posted it on Socialform. They group passed a bookshop on their way back to Ben’s car and Celeste ended up buying a book titled Specials of OutherWerld. Ben bought a manga that he didn’t have yet and Samantha teased him on being an otaku. Celeste didn’t see the old women.
    Mr. Link had made delicious sirloin steak, mashed potatoes, and broccoli. And happily offered to make a take-out tray for Asher. Rebecca talked about how she wanted to go to college for construction and when Alice was asked what she wanted to study in college, she yelled that she didn’t have clue. Mrs. Link happily shared the news of Nikki coming back after term to work at her fashion house, (since she went to collage to study fashion), then she started harping on Ben, Celeste and even Samantha about collage. Asher came and picked her up and Mrs. Link showered him with kisses. He only managed to get away when Ben and Samantha started sneaking downstairs.
    Celeste spent the whole of Sunday reading Specials of OutherWerld and writing down notes. She wrote Power Information with a black perminate marker on the front of the notebook.
    “Honestly, how do you do it? My hand would’ve started cramping if I weren’t a healer now.” Celeste told Ben flexing her fingers. She had missed the bus again but that played in her favor since she had so much to discuss with Ben. She didn’t wear her new shoes yet, she wanted to save them for an important day. Probably a dress down day. Ben pulled up at Cindie’s and ordered the usual coffees.
    “Hey Cel, could you help me with something?” He asked as he stopped at a red light. “Of course, what cha need?” Celeste said after taking a sip. “So, I wanna ask Samantha to prom since, you know, it’s like a couple weeks away, and I-I need your help.” He said. “That’s not a question.” Celeste teased poking Bens arm. Ben rolled his eyes, rolled his eyes, and sighed before asking; “Can you help me...Please?”
    “Didn’t have to say the please part, but loved it anyways. Of course I’ll help you participate in the weird high school ritual that is promposals dear friend.” Celeste said puffing out her chest. “Why are you such a weirdo?” Ben asked laughing and shaking his head as he pulled into the student parking lot. Samantha was waiting for him and practically leaped into Ben’s arms the moment he got out. Celeste let them be and walked off towards the school building.
    “Hey.” She said, walking over to Shadow, who was leaning against the building, his head bent down and focused on his sketchbook. He looked up as soon as he heard his name. “H-hey.” He said with a small smile. “Whatcha drawing?” Celeste asked standing beside him and looking down at his sketchbook. It was a sketch of a faceless being standing in the middle of a street or alleyway. “I dunno. I just draw.” Shadow said shrugging. Celeste nodded and leaned back. “Oh! I um, I-I drew you a- picture.” Shadow stammered as he awkwardly held his sketchbook while digging in his hoodie pocket.
    He pulled out a white piece of folded up paper and handed it to Celeste. She took it and opened it. It was a bust of her, her face conveyed both confusion and happiness and the background was of the galaxy complete with stars. “Is that glitter?” Celeste asked looking back up at Shadow. “Yeah, I-I needed stars. Stars are sparkly.” Shadow explained. Celeste smiled. “I love it.” She said before handing it back to him. “You can keep it. Hence the fact that it’s on a piece of paper and not my sketchbook.” Shadow said.
    Nate hadn’t shown up at school that day. Maybe he’s transferred. Celeste didn’t eat at lunch; she hid in the bathroom and read Specials of OutherWerld, which she had summoned. It was a 687 paged book and had a lot to say about specials. However, Celeste couldn’t find anything that could tell her about Dimitra. She wasn’t sure why she thought it would. Maybe she would be there because the immense power she had. It made since. But, she wasn’t there. Frustrated, Celeste slammed the book shut and sent it back to her dresser.
    “Down.” She whispered. She only thought about the fact that there was now a locked empty stall in school after she got in the bookshop. The employee seemed unbothered that a teenage girl had just appeared in his shop. Much less, that she was there instead of in school. He just glanced up at her before going back to reading his book and sipping his soda.
    After hours upon hours of searching for Dimitra, Celeste decided to ask the employee for help. “Um, e-excuse me?” She asked. The man grunted. “D’you know where I can find a book o-on Dimitra?” Celeste asked. The man looked up at her with a smile. “You’re the stone girl right? I was wondering when you were gonna ask that.” He said before getting up and walking from behind the counter. Celeste wasn’t sure exactly what he meant by that, much less, how he knew she was the “stone girl.” But she pulled on her gloves to make sure that they were on nice and tight. “Follow me.” The man said. He ran his fingers through his long stringy hair before turning and walking to the back of the store.
    He walked up to a wall and knocked on it three times. A small keypad appeared from out the wall and he punched in a few numbers. A confirmation beep sounded before the keypad sunk back into the wall. A couple seconds later, the wall opened up to reveal a second part of the shop. It looked like the first part, but it was smaller and darker. The man beckoned her to follow with his hands. Celeste sneezed immediately as soon as she walked it. The room was covered in dust.
    Celeste stood awkwardly as the man began shuffling through old books with faded covers and cracked spines. “Ah ha, here it is.” The man said pulling out a black and red book with faded gold letters on it. “C’mere.” He said and Celeste did. “This is a book written by Dimitra herself. You may read this, but only in here, you cannot take this out if this store.” The man said. Celeste nodded before opening the book. It was filled with weird, pictures. Pages and pages of them. Confused, Celeste looked up at the man. “Is this in some sorta code?” She asked him. “No, it’s Korean.” The man said. “What’s that?” Celeste asked. The man nodded before motioning for her to follow him once again. She followed him out the room and he closed the door.
    “Korean is one of the dead languages. It was one of the last to die along with Spanish and French. Dimitra was one of the last to speak it during that time and wrote everything she wanted to keep a secret in it.” He explain as he made his way back to the counter. “So, how am I supposed to read it?” Celeste asked. “You’re her heir; you should be able to understand it.” The man said simply. “I-I’m not her heir.” Celeste said, setting the book on the counter. “If you weren’t her heir, then you wouldn’t have the stone.” The man said with a shrug. “But, she was a demon, I’m not.” Celeste said. “You sure? You look like one. Dark skin, dark hair, your eyes don’t quite resemble but-“Celeste rolled her eyes before turning away. “Hey, if you ever decide to come back, I’ll have it for you...I’m on your side.” The man said before she walked out the store.
    It was already sixth period and Celeste didn’t feel like going back to school so she just walked around Towne Central, nobody seemed to notice that she wasn’t where she was supposed to be. It begun to rain. Cursing under her breath, Celeste found a coffee shop and walked in. She was greeted immediately with the smell of coffee beans and jazz played in the background. She sat at a stool and ordered an expresso. Her phone buzzed and the rain became harder. She looked down at her phone. Ben had texted her four times.
    “Hey, I didn’t see you at lunch, u okay?”
    “Celeste where r u?”
    “R u having an attack?”
    Celeste texted back; “I’m fine, I went back to the book shop. Started raining so now I’m at a coffee shop.” After two minutes Ben texted back; “Ur ditching?”
    “U shouldn’t do that u know right?”
    “OK. See u later?”
    Celeste put her phone in her pocket and finished her expresso. Then she got up and went to the bathroom, where she teleported home.
    At around four o’clock, Celeste decided that she’d better head off to therapy. She changed into a tee shirt and grey sweatpants before teleporting to the back of the building; she accidently thought about the dumpsters and ended appearing in one. Cursing, Celeste sat up and began to lift the lid. Then she paused when she saw two people appearing. She had never met them, but she had seen them wandering about.
    “So, what did Girtrum say about the heir?” One of them asked, she had round glasses, strawberry blonde hair pulled in a tight bun, and a long, white lab coat. “Well, she’s defiantly showing signs of superior strength, speed, and agility.” Said the other, he had curly black hair, and a pair of bronze goggles resting on top of his head. He too, wore a lab coat. “Yes...I suspect that she can do more than just that. She’s just not letting on much...” Said the woman adjusting her glasses. “Yes, and until she does, we can’t do anything with her.” The man said. “I don’t understand why we can’t just take some samples from her, it’s just absurd-“
    “As absurd as it may seem, you must have patience Janice.” The man interrupted. The woman-Janice- let out a small sigh and rubbed her temples. “I know, I know...But the more time it takes, the more risk is put upon her. No doubt, she’s being hunted; I just want don’t to find her dead before I’ve gotten a sample. Dead cells just aren’t the same as live ones.” Janice said.
    Celeste forced herself to swallow the bile that rose in her throat. Clearly, they were talking about her. But why did they want samples? And who was hunting her? Were they talking about the shadows? Or maybe they’re not the only ones. She had to get out of there. Luckily, Janice and the man turned and left. Celeste regained her breath as she waited to make sure they didn’t return. Then she got out of the trashcan and rushed inside.
    She barely listened to what Girtrum was saying. She just worked out. She ran on the treadmill, up the stepper, she lifted the weights, did the pull-ups, push-ups and burpees. All the while thinking about what she’s heard. Even though she wished she could forget it. What was the real purpose of her being here? What were they planning to do once she’s revealed herself? She decided that she didn’t want to find out. They’ll never find out.
    After her session, she went home, took a shower, texted Asher that she would be at Ben’s, then teleported to his room. “Holy Heaven! Don’t do that!” Ben hollered as soon as Celeste appeared. Celeste let out a small laugh as she sat on his bed and crossed her legs. He rolled around his chair to face her. “What’s wrong?” He asked her. Celeste took a breath before relaying to him what she’d overheard.
    After telling him, Ben rocked side to side on his chair while sucking on his bottom lip. “That’s very sus.” Was all he said after a minute. Celeste gave him a look. “Ben, really? That’s all you have to say?” She questioned. Ben started thinking again before turning and searching something up on his computer. Celeste got up and stood beside him. Ben searched up “special hunters” which led him to a list of miki sights before finding a website a couple of pages later and clicking on the link. When the page loaded, Celeste saw that the banner said Specialni Lovci in curly gold print. The website had no pictures on it. Just links and paragraphs in yellow font.
    “Ben.” Celeste said before Ben went too far deep and completely left her. Although, judging by his jump, he was already starting to forget she was there. “Oh, look it, these people are like, notorious for being special hunters. They were formed back in 2818 when the first specials started to appear, apparently, they wanted to recreate the ‘Salem Witch Trials’ from the ancient times. They were really religious...(Ben read more on the website) It started out as an attempt to eradicate all specials from, it says ‘Earth’ on here but they mean here...But they evolved into becoming power hungry savages...Who hunt and kill specials in order to obtain their power...”
    Celeste swallowed a bout of air. “W-what do you mean?” She asked as she leaned in to get a closer look at the website. She touched the screen and scrolled down. “That’s not possible...Is it?”
    “What? The obtaining power part? Yeah, no it’s possible, somewhat. You basically have to commit cannibalism and a lot of it and of the same special in order to get some power...I know that because last year in honors history class we had a whole section based on ‘Zombi’ Everson who went mad because his whole family were specials except him, so he murdered them all and ate their bodies, by the end of the whole thing, he was able to summon small amounts of dirt.”
    “His family were a bunch of summoners?” Celeste asked. Ben nodded enthusiastically. Celeste retreated and fell back on Ben’s bed. Were those shadow creatures, the Specialni Lovci? Were they hunting her? It would make sense, she did harbor the WillowStone. It was the most powerful thing in all of OutherWerld...
    “Celeste?” Ben said snapping her out of her thoughts. He rolled his chair to the foot of the bed. “Hmm?” Celeste said by way of letting him know she was listening. “You-you don’t think anyone’s...hunting you. Do you?” Of course she did. In fact, Celeste knew she was being hunted now that she’s read about the Specialni Lovci. But they’re not the only hunters, Janice and the man; they want her too, for her samples. Some weird science experiment; and who knew who else? “Nah...” Celeste said. She felt her chest tighten but ignored it.
    She sat up and looked at Ben. I’m not going to school tomorrow.” She declared. Ben sucked on his bottom lip for a moment before nodding and saying; “Wherever you’re going, I’m coming with.” Celeste knew better than to argue with him. Ben could be stubborn at times. “Fine...Pick me up; we’re going to Towne Central.”

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