Chapter Twelve

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    Who are you?
    “Celeste Archard.”
    Who are you?
    “I’m Celeste Archard.”
    Who are you?
    “I’m...I’m the holder of the WillowStone.”
    Who are you?
    “What do you want me to say!” Celeste was floating in space, she was space. She looked around her surroundings. Blackness and stars surrounded her. Who you are. Came a disembodied voice. “I don’t know who I am...” Celeste cried, becoming more and more frustrated. The voice didn’t come back. A blinding white light not unlike the one from museum appeared, causing Celeste to squint and shield herself. “Child.” Came the voice, although, now, it sounded like it was right in front of her. It was right in front of her.
    Celeste lowered her arms, then quickly averted her eyes. There was a woman floating in front of her, naked. “Look at me...Be unafraid.” She whispered and Celeste did as told, forcing herself with some effort, to look only at her face. But the pink glow radiating from her gave her away. The woman in front of her had dark skin, orange eyes, and short kinky black hair. Her ears were slightly pointed as well as her canine teeth. The woman smiled as she too, took in Celeste’s appearance.
    “You are beautiful, my child.” The woman said. Celeste covered herself, feeling that she was naked as well. “No need to be ashamed of your body...Let me see Willow...” The woman said, holding out her hand. It took Celeste a moment before she understood her request. Hesitantly, Celeste held her stonehand out and the woman took it, examining it.  She put the palm of her own hand over the stone and closed her eyes. Celeste watched with curious eyes. The woman smiled and looked at Celeste. “You’re to do great things, just as I have. Just remember, to start small. If you take on to big endeavors, then you’ll fall—“
    “Um, s-sorry to interrupt but, who are you?” Celeste asked. The woman stopped talking and gave Celeste a small glare. “I am Dimitra Acadia Teria Archard.” She said pointing to herself. Celeste nodded, unsure what to say next. “And you are Celeste Archard. My long lost heir...” Celeste couldn’t help but scoff and rolled her eyes. “Falsehood.” She spat. “I’m not your heir. I’m no demon.” Dimitra’s expression did not change. “What’s a demon to you?” She asked simply.
    “I-I dunno...they’re cruel creatures who use their beauty and charm to get what they want.” Celeste answered slowly. “Dimitra nodded. “They’re basically like dark-skinned pyres.” Celeste added. “Dark-skinned.” Dimitra repeated with a hint of amusement in her voice....”Celeste, we do not have much time...I must not forget why I am here; I tend to get rather, side tracked, sorry.
    “You need to be aware of your surroundings. Watch out for your friends and family. Don’t be afraid, but do be fearful...They’re going to find a way to take you. However, don’t make it easy for them...Remember who to trust...Good-“

    “Hey angel cakes, I can’t stay long, but I brought the wonton soup. It’s downstairs, I’ll be late tonight.” Asher was telling a still groggily Celeste who sat up and was currently rubbing her eyes. She looked at her alarm clock; it was already 6:45. “Love you...See you tomorrow.” Asher said giving Celeste a peck on the forehead. Celeste yawned and nodded before calling Asher back. “Tomorrow’s your birthday; let’s go to the spa, my treat.” Celeste said with a smile. Asher smile and nodded. “I’ll see if I can get off then.” He said before leaving.
    Celeste let out another yawn and stared around her room, which was still covered in mini lanterns. She got up, treaded downstairs, grabbed her soup, went back upstairs, ate, then fell back to sleep.
    She didn’t go to school the next day either. However, she and Asher did spend a fun amount of time together. He didn’t get the whole day off that he had asked for, but his boss wasn’t completely heartless and gave him a half day. They went to Sonya’s Spa and got full body massages and scalp massages. They hung out at the coffee shop for about an hour, drinking coffee and telling theories about what would happen in the next superhero movie and who would win against who. Then they went to the movie theater and watched two superhero movies. When they got home, Celeste remembered the charm bracelet and ran to get it. When he saw what it was, Asher practically cried, then he flooded Celeste with hugs and kisses, which reminded Celeste heavily of Mrs. Link. Later that night Eros came over and they left for an hour. Celeste fell asleep before they came back, but she still knew what they were doing.
    She didn’t go to go to school on Friday either, but Ben had drove up to her house and rang the doorbell until she answered. Three years ago in December, Asher decided to rig up the doorbell to play a Christmas song, it was annoying and sadly Asher didn’t know how to change it back so now they were stuck with it.
    Grumbling and cursing under her breath, Celeste stomped down the stairs and jerked the door open, she was still in her pajamas, a grey crop top that had a taco on it and leopard print sweatpants. “Have you died or something?” Ben asked as he walked in. Celeste shook her head and looked out the door, half-expecting to see Samantha sitting in his car. “She’s not out there, it’s just me. But speaking of Sam, I asked her to prom. On Wednesday, it was great. I made a poster that said; ‘I may have been shot, but you’ve already shot me in the heart. Prom?’ The prom was glittery...She loved it.” Ben smiled dopily before turning his attention back to Celeste, who was standing with her arms crossed.
    “Cel, are you okay? It’s been three days...It’s not healthy to lock yourself up...” Ben said, his voice filled with concern. “I-I’m fine. Really, I just...I’m okay...” Celeste said; and with that, Ben grabbed her arm and dragged her upstairs saying: “Well, if you’re fine then you’re going to school. C’mon, there’s barely a month left, and you said it yourself, you can do it.” They entered Celeste’s room and Ben begun taking out her uniform and outing it in the automatic press. Celeste just laid back down on her bed and closed her eyes. “I can’t.” She groaned.
    “Is your doctor’s appointment today?” Ben asked. “No.” Celeste answered. “Then you can.” He took her uniform out of the automatic press, tossed it to her, and then turned around so she could dress. Celeste knew better than to argue, so she put it on. “You’re save.” Celeste said and Ben turned around. Celeste looked in the mirror and began messing with her hair, putting it up in a Mohawk.
    “My parents weren’t demons.” Celeste said into the quietness. “They were regular people who died in a fire...How can I be...” She faltered and shook her head. “You can be pretty terrifying.” Ben said shrugging. Celeste gave him a look before turning to her jewelry box and pulling out the amulet. “I remember when I had my first heartbreak, and you threatened to what was it again? Oh yeah ‘stab her in the eye with a crowbar.” He said. Celeste smirked before it quickly went away. “Yeah, I was pretty murderous, even back then huh.” She said.
    “Now Celeste, you’re not murderous. Y-you’re a...protector...Maybe you’re not a demon; maybe you’re an angel...a guardian angel.” Ben teased. “Shut up.” Celeste said, but a smile was dancing across her lips. She put on the amulet then grabbed her book bag. “Well anyways, she was a gold digger anyways.” Celeste said as she put on her shoes. “You think all my girlfriends are gold diggers.” Ben pointed out as they made their way downstairs. “Well they were. Especially Ann-Marie.” Celeste said grabbing her keys. “Well- true but-“
    “And I’m 99.9 percent sure Samantha’s a gold digger too.” Celeste added. “She’s not!” Ben said. They got in the car. “Oh yeah? Stop buying her stuff for a month, I bet you, she’s gonna get upset.” Celeste said. “She won’t.” Ben said stubbornly. “Bet.” Celeste said stubbornly. Ben let out a laugh as they drove off. “H-have you heard anything? A-about any disappearances? On the news?” Celeste asked as they drove up to the drive-thru of Cindie’s. “Uh, nope.” Ben said after a minute of thinking. “It’s Ben and Celeste.” He said into the intercom. “Oh! We haven’t hear from you guys in a while! C’mon love!” Said the voice from the other side and Ben drove forward.
    “Really? Not even Lason? I though at least he would, since he works at a children’s hospital.” Celeste said. “True but, I think it’s good that nobody’s reporting them missing, no investigation, nothing that can point to you...But, maybe we shouldn’t talk about him. At least not in public.” Ben added hastily. Celeste nodded before taking a sip of her coffee.
    When the approached the student parking lot, Celeste summoned her fingerless black gloves and put them on. “You know you might get called about those-the gloves, right?” Ben said. “Imma go to the office, see if I can get special permission. I’m sure they’ll understand and give me a pass or something.” Celeste said. “Do they, do they help you?” Ben asked. “Help me what? Control? No. But they do help me...Emotionally? I guess. I just don’t want people ogling at my hand.” She said.
    A tapping at Ben’s window caused both of them to look up. It was Samantha. Rolling her eyes, Celeste got out of the car and walked off towards the school. Ben turned to say something to Celeste, but say that she had already left. “Oh, she still goes here? I though she like, transferred or something.” Samantha said shrugging. “Huh? Nah.” Ben said before getting out of the car and embracing Samantha with a hug and a twirl.
    “Hey Celeste!” Nate called. Celeste froze, like a deer in the headlights. She turned slowly towards Nate. “H-hey.” She said. Nate stood at the same spot, unmoving. Clearly, he wanted her to go towards him. With a sigh, Celeste adjusted her book bag before walking over to him. “You’re alive.” Nate said, looking at her incredulously. Celeste gave him a confused look and he quickly added; “I’m saying because you’ve missed so many days.” Celeste nodded. “Yeah, um s-speaking of which, I’ve gotta go to the attendance office so...see ya.” She said, slowly walking backwards before turning around and rushing away.
    She did actually have to go to the attendance office, and get a slip for her absence, then she went to the main office. She asked to see the principal, had to wait ten minutes, then was called back.
    “Hello Celeste, glad for you to be back...After so many, unexcused absences...” He said, adjusting a few pencils on his desk. “To what do I owe the honor?” He asked causing Celeste to cringe. “U-uh, I was wondering if I could have special permission to wear my uh, my gloves in school?” She asked. “Wearing gloves is against the school dress code.” He said tartly. “Why should I exempt you from having to follow them?”
    “U-uh because of the stone...Y-you know the WillowStone, in my, i-in my hand...” Celeste explained poorly. “I’m sorry but, I don’t think that I should grant special permission to someone just because of deformity, it’s absurd. School rules are school rules Celeste, I won’t allow anyone to break them...Now, if that is all you should head off to class.” He said sternly. With a huff, Celeste got up and walked out. She’d still wear them of course; she’d only take them off when a teacher asks, then put them back on when she gets to another one.
    Celeste summoned a pretzel sandwich and sat at her usual table at lunch. Ben and Samantha were nowhere to be seen. “Hey Cel.” Shadow said, moving his sketchbook out of the way, as she sat down. “Hey S.” Celeste replied with a smile. He opened his sketchbook and showed her a picture of a beautiful acrylic landscape with vibrant flowers that climbed tall buildings and lampposts with grass that looked as if it were actually swaying. “Wow, that’s beautiful.” Celeste said before taking her phone out and taking a picture of the masterpiece. Shadow smirked before closing the sketchbook and spooning his soup.
    “S-so uh, hey...” He stammered. Celeste rested her head in her palm and looked over at Shadow. “Wassup?” She asked. Shadow cleared his throat before covering his mouth and asking; “S-so do you like, wanna go to prom? With, with me?” His voice was muffled, but not that much. Celeste smiled. “Of course! I’d love to.” She said. Shadow, who was normally a tinge of purple, flushed a bright pink and held his head down. “C-cool.” He muttered before getting up and throwing away his tray.
     There was a loud thunk and Celeste looked over to see Nate sitting on the other side of her. “Hey girly...” He said with a smile, which was an odd expression for him.” Celeste nodded in response and took a bit of her sandwich. “So...I was thinking, we do our lessons at an earlier time.” Nate began. Celeste saw that Shadow was coming back, and he had a disgruntled look on his face. “Um actually, I-I’m good, Nate. I’ve really got the whole teleporting things down...So, thanks. You really did help.” She said. Shadow sat down and pulled his sketchbook towards him.
    Nate looked over at Shadow and he frowned. “Oh really? Well, I’d like to see for myself, how ‘bout we meet at-“
    “No, really, I’m cool. Besides, I’ve missed three days of school; I have a lot to catch up with.” Celeste said with a small laugh. Nate looked more displeased. “Whatever.” He grumbled before picking up his tray and leaving. “...Did I just offend him or something?” Celeste asked. “No, he’s just upset you don’t wanna spend time with him.” Shadow mumbled. Celeste let out a small laugh.
    A part of her was actually glad that she had therapy after school. She had a lot of things to get off her chest and she was sure she could tell Dr. Gutter what she needed to without revealing her powers.
    When she entered the familiar room, Celeste was automatically with the aroma of freshly chopped wood. “Celeste, good afternoon.” She said in her annoyingly calm voice. Celeste smiled and nodded as she sat down in the couch in front of the doctor. “Hey, I-I’ve actually got a lot on my mind so...” Celeste said, then she leaped into what happened on Tuesday and how she hasn’t been going to school, leaving out anything that told Dr. Gutter about her powers, which included the fact that she healed Ben. Dr. Gutter nodded and wrote something on her clipboard.
    “Have they figured out anything about your friend’s assailant?” Dr. Gutter asked, looking imploringly at Celeste. “N-no...b-but I’ve been having nightmares as well.” Celeste said. “Of what?” Dr. Gutter asked, writing. “O-of Dimitra;” When she said this, Dr. Gutter quickly looked up at her and waited for Celeste to continue. “A-and of k-killing the s-shooters.” Which wasn’t a lie; she has been having nightmares of her killing the killers. Only because of the immense guilt she felt, even though she also felt deeply that they deserved it; she couldn’t help but feel guilty.
    “Was Dimitra telling you to kill them?” Dr. Gutter asked. “No...” Celeste said shaking her head and staring at a spot on the floor. “A-are you sure? W-What has she been telling you?” Dr. Gutter asked, practically sitting on the edge of her seat. Celeste gave her a strange look and backed up a little. Slightly regretting telling her so much. “I-I don’t really remember.” Celeste said and Dr. Gutter sank back into her chair. “Nothing?” She asked, going back to her calm tone. “Yeah, er n-no.” Celeste answered. Dr. Gutter wrote something down before looking up at the clock. “Wow, it’s been an hour already, our session seems to be over...See you next week.” Dr. Gutter said with a smile.
    Celeste did not want to see her at all next week.

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