Chapter Eleven

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“I’m not going to school.” Celeste told Asher the next morning. Asher was looking in the body mirror at the foot of the stairs and tying a purple tie. Celeste wore a pair of sweatpants and an oversized superhero shirt. Asher nodded before grabbing his suitcase and turning towards her. “Okay honey...I’ll uh, I’ll bring you some wonton soup when I get back...’kay?” He said. Celeste nodded as she leaned against the wall. “Hey, don’t forget, you have therapy today, maybe some talking can help you feel better.” Asher said before giving a weak smile and leaving. Celeste didn’t have the heart to tell him that she was doing physical therapy today. And even if she were, she wouldn’t tell them anything.
    She waited until Asher’s car was gone before rushing upstairs and throwing on a pair of purple tights and a black short-sleeved shirt that said hi on the sleeves in white block letters. Then she teleported to the bookshop. “And she makes a triumph return!” The man said with a smile. Celeste forced herself to smile before leaping into an explanation as to why she didn’t show yesterday, but the man held up a pudgy hand. “No worries, man. I get it. Best friend gets shot, key priorities.” Celeste was about to ask how he knew what happened yesterday when he pulled out Dimitra’s diary and pushed it towards her.
    Celeste walked up to the counter and opened the book; all she could see were indecipherable shapes and lines. “I-I still can’t read this, isn’t there like, a book on how to understand these symbols?” Celeste asked looking up at the guy who shook his head. “Nope, all were destroyed during the big nuke war.” He said. Celeste huffed out a sigh before flipping through the pages.
    After about an hour, Celeste slammed the book shut and the man yelled for her to be careful in a panicked manner. “Sorry, it’s just...I can’t understand this...Which I guess proves that I’m not Dimitra’s heir.” Celeste said as she handed the book back to the man. “Bullshit, didn’t you pay attention during the tour? Only the heir can possess the WillowStone.” The man said. “How d’you-“
    “I always go there, just in case the heir appears...the one day I don’t go and she does...” The man answered shaking his head. “But I guess I’m lucky huh? At least I’m not blind.”
    “It was only temporary.” Celeste said hotly and the man held his hands up. “Hey man, it’s cool.” He said. Celeste tapped the counter before saying; “I should...I’ve gotta go see you later uh...”
    “Alfred.” The man said. Celeste paused for a moment before smirking to herself and turning and practically running out the door. Then she ran into an alleyway, checked her surroundings, then teleported to the bathrooms of the museum. Luckily, no one was in the bathrooms at that moment. They would’ve been in for a fright. For a split second, Celeste worried that the museum was closed, because of her, they had to shut down the History Museum. But they didn’t, and Celeste let out a sigh of relief when she saw mounds of people walking about. She heard a tour guide talking to a group and her stomach plummeted.
    “And here is where the famous WillowStone once sat...” The tour guide began before leaping into the history of the WillowStone. “...Just three months ago, the heir of Dimitra came and took the WillowStone.” Celeste ground her teeth. “I am not the heir and I did not take it... It attached itself to me.” She mumbled to herself as she made her way towards the gift shop. The museum looked vastly different from when she was there and Celeste couldn’t help but feel a twinge of guilt wash through her. She inhale a deep bout of breath and slowly released as she made her way through the various crowds and made it to the casher.
    “Hello, did you enjoy-“ The cashier began, but paused when she saw who it was that stood before her. “U-uh, hi?” Celeste stammered. The cashier shuffled nervously before bowing her head low. Celeste froze before turning around, thinking that the lord or the prince had just walked in or something. However, when she turned around, she saw nothing but mundanes walking around and looking at the merchandise. Celeste slowly turned back to the cashier, who was now standing straight with her chest puffed out and her eyes avoiding.
    “U-uh, anyways, I was uh, wondering of maybe I could speak to the owner? Or maybe the manager?” Celeste asked. The cashier nodded before pulling out a walkie-talkie and calling for someone named Jimmy. They both stood there for an awkward moment before Jimmy, a balding pale-skinned man came bounding into the gift shop. He spotted Celeste and sucked in a large bout of breath. “Oh my lord, it is truly an honor.” He said quickly, grabbing Celeste’s arm. She thought he was going for a handshake; instead, he turned her hand over and examined the stone. “Exhilarating. Absolutely astonishing...Please, would you like to talk privately in my office?” Jimmy asked breathlessly, looking up at Celeste. She hesitated before agreeing. If he tried anything, Celeste knew she was capable of murder. That thought sent shivers down her spine.
    Jimmy’s office was old, dingy, and smelled of furniture polish. He indicated for Celeste to sit in a chair in front of a wood desk as he took his own seat on the other side of the desk. “Wow, Dimitra, right here and in the flesh...” He sighed, cupping his face in his hands and leaning with his elbows on the desk. “U-uh, my name’s Celeste.” Celeste said, leaning back into the chair. “Of course! You know, the name Celeste comes from the word celestial which means ‘heavenly or, otherworldly’...And the name Dimitra means ‘mother of earth’” Jimmy said smartly. Celeste nodded, unsure what she should do with that useless bit of knowledge.
    “Well, as neat and fascinating that is...I-I would uh, like to discuss business, please?” Celeste said, sitting up straight. Jimmy’s smile faltered a bit and he too sat up straighter. “Oh, yes, I was worried it might come to this...Which makes perfect sense, as it’s you, how much money were you thinking of getting for the amulets?” He said and Celeste gave him a confused look. “U-uh, what amulets? I was talking about something different.” She said and Jimmy brightened again. “Oh, then what is the matter that you wanted to discuss?” He asked. Celeste held her stonehand out and placed it on the desk.
    “I want it out.” Celeste said. “I-It was never mine to begin with, a-and it belongs to the museum. So, I uh, I want to give it back.” Jimmy looked from Celeste, to her hand. “Y-you want to give it back?” He repeated. “Yes.” Celeste said, hoping her voice sounded definite. “I-I uh...” Jimmy stammered. “Aren’t you an archeologist or something? Don’t you have any tools that can help remove the stone?” Celeste asked. “I-I suppose, yes, but-“Jimmy began but Celeste gave him a pleading look and he nodded before standing up and began digging through a cupboard behind him. He pulled out a rolled up tool belt and turned back towards the desk, putting the belt on the table and unrolling it. “A-are you sure you want to do this?” He asked, giving Celeste a look. “Yes, just give me a free amulet when we’re done.” Celeste said.
    After about three hours of poking, prodding, and even sawing, no change occurred between Celeste’s hand and the stone. The would-be scars on Celeste’s wrist was fading as Jimmy cleaned and sterilized the tools he used, shaking his head. “Sorry...”He said as Celeste rubbed her wrist and stared off into space. “But I don’t exactly understand why someone would want to get rid of the thing that makes them all powerful.” Jimmy continued. “They say ‘with great power, comes great responsibility;’ and well, I’m not that responsible.” Celeste said. Jimmy gave her an imploring look. “I feel as though you are quite responsible. Dimitra did great things, and as her heir-, “
    “I am not her heir.” Celeste interrupted causing Jimmy to stop talking. He blinked twice before regaining himself. “Well of course you are. There’s nothing wrong with being the heir of Dimitra, as a matter of fact, it is a true honor.” Celeste crossed her arms. “Dimitra was a great woman who pulled Quinteria out of the dumps and paved the way for how the world is today.” Jimmy continued.
    Celeste nodded as she summoned the black gloves (“marvelous” whispered Jimmy) and began putting them on. “I’m not her heir, she was a demon, and I’ve got not one drop of demon blood in me.” She said hotly before standing up. “Celeste, wait.” Jimmy said standing up as well. Celeste looked at him. “Your amulet.” Jimmy said brightly before opening a drawer to his right and rifling through it a bit before pulling out a necklace and handing it to her.
    Celeste took the amulet and stared at it. It was of the stone, before that day. Instead of it being how it was now, cloudy with Celeste’s blood running through it, it was cloudy, and white. With a silver circle around it so that the chain could link onto something. “...Down...” Celeste whispered, ignoring Jimmy’s loud gasp.
    She appeared in the bathroom stall of the therapy building, her foot almost going into the toilet. Celeste made sure no one could see her before walking out of the bathroom and over to the yoga room. She usually hated yoga but she really needed it today. Maybe she was tense. Maybe she should get a massage. After her session, Celeste drank some water and made her way back to the bathrooms when she saw Janice, the woman from the dumpsters, and made a quick U-turn. Too late, she’d seen her.
    “Celeste, right?” She called. Celeste froze before turning around. “Yup.” She replied, waving and smiling innocently. Janice walked up to Celeste, a clipboard in hand. “Just got done with a session I presume?” She asked and Celeste nodded. “Yeah, glad I’m not a therapist; I’ve got enough of my own issues.” Janice continued, looking down at Celeste, her eyes resting on her gloved hand. Celeste hid it behind the hem of her shirt. “Well, I guess I’d better be off then.” Janice said, Celeste gave her a bright smile. Janice nodded her head in turn before turning around and walking down the hall. Celeste sucked in her cheeks before turning and walking out the front doors.
    She decided to walk home. She needed to walk and clear her head. She hadn’t walked for a while. Is having power making her lazy? Celeste looked warily at her surroundings, it was still light out, and they wouldn’t try to seize her now, would they?
    They didn’t. Celeste made it safely back home where she took a shower, changed into her unicorn onesie, turned the air on and cuddled into her blankets. She fell into a fitful sleep.

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