Chapter Three

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Celeste was running. Then she was tripping. She tripped on a stick and fell in a puddle of water. Now she was sinking. Down a dark, ominous sea. No creature surrounded her. All around her was black. Left, right, down. She looked up. There was the light. She must go to it. Celeste began swimming. Kicking her legs and swinging her arms. She began to float. Celeste felt a surge of panic as whispers in the background grew and creatures of the black grasped at her legs and attempted to pull her down. Celeste began to kick and fight with earnest to get to the light. The water was cold, like ice, surly she would freeze to death. Celeste looked down, but did not see the creatures weighing her down, only black shadows that wrapped their way around her bare legs.
    The stone. Use the stone.
    Celeste pointed an open palm downwards towards the never-ending black pit and said in gurgled words; “Light.” At that moment, a blinding light made it way from the stone, illuminating the black ocean floor, revealing hideous pale creatures with slits for eyes and glass for teeth. They hissed at the light and let go. Celeste looked back and peddled back up towards the light.

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