Baskerville and the Beagle

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Edit — Sept. 4, 2022: This chapter was written in 2014. Lou the Beagle was based off of my dog Lou, a wire-haired dachshund-beagle mix. He passed away yesterday morning at almost 14 years old.

I don't know exactly why I'm announcing this on a fanfic chapter I wrote when I was in seventh grade (I'll be turning 21 in less than two weeks), but all I have to say is this: love your pet now. Treat every day like it's going to be their last, because one day they'll be gone.

That's all. Thank you for reading.


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The next morning, they were in Dartmoor. Sherlock had rented a jeep and was driving them to the moor so they could get a lay of the land. John was sitting in the passenger's seat and Alex was sitting in the back. When they got to their destination, Sherlock climped up on one of the rocks, Alex beside him. She had her sketchbook and was sketching away furiously. She was sitting while Sherlock was standing. She had him included in the picture.

"There's Baskerville." John pointed to a large building. "And that's Grimpen Village so that must be Dewar's Hollow.

"What's that?" Sherlock pointed a fenced off portion of land.

"Maybe a minefield. Techinacally Baskerville's an army base, so I guess they've always been keen to keep people out." John said.

"Clearly." Sherlock said. He looked at Alex's sketchbook. "That's good."

"Thanks." She said.

They drove to the town where they would be staying after that. There was a large tour group. Sherlock ignored them and turned up his coat collar. Alex gave him a look and he shrugged at her.

"It's cold." He said.

"I'm in a T-shirt and I'm fine." Alex said.

Sherlock ignored her. They checked in to their hotel. Alex and Sherlock were sharing a room and John was on his own. As much as Alex loved her brother, she didn't like being woken up when he had nightmares. John had settled for the arrangment after Alex had told him they would be in two seperate beds. Sherlock was walking in and out of the small pub of the hotel lobby, almost like a cat. Alex followed him wherever he went. John was starting to wonder if either of them felt anything for each other.

"Sorry we couldn't do a double room for you boys." One of the men who worked there said, handing John his room key.

"That's fine, we're not-" John started. He then stopped and sighed, realizing he couldn't change people's minds. He handed the man the money needed to pay. "Here you go."

"I'll go get your change." The man smiled. He arrived a minute later. "There you go."

"I couldn't help noticing on the map of the moor, a skull and crossbones?" John said.

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