Love? WHAT?!

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"I don't understand it, Gir."

"I do!"

"Computer, what is this emotion that you keep saying to me?"

"You're in love. By the tests given, this love thing seems to be directed towards Dib Membrane. You said you noticed it while he was glaring at you in class correct?"


"You said this so called crush thing is getting worse."

"Yes, I did. I admire the stupid human but it seems to be more than that. Now when he looks at me I get this feeling in the cavity of my chest and it feels like a hiccup. What is this love? Some form of hate?"

"I don't quite understand it either, but it's not a form of hatred."

"I know what it is."

"Elaborate, Gir."

"Yes, sir. Love has many meanings. Formed from a connection that is made through interactions with a person. More than friendship or a common bond. An intense feeling of deep affection."

"Intense how? How do you even know this word?"

"Because, I love you."


"you're like a dad!"

"Get off!"

"I think I understand what Gir is saying."

"Then elaborate, Computer."

"You have spent a lot of time with Dib from next door, Whether as enemies or to work together."

"I only worked with him once."

"Indeed, and you had only one emotion for him when you first met, but as you spent more time here, you've developed earthly feelings towards Dib."

"But how do I know what this love thing is? How do I show this emotion or not?"

"I'm a computer, not a counselor."

"I know. Oh, I'm sure that whatever this is will go away. After all, he is just a stupid earthling."

"But now, you technically are too."

"Shut your electronic mouth!"

"Screw you."

Love. I still don't quite understand. I think I covered this with someone once regarding parents and how I actually didn't have any. I was born from a pod and raised by a robotic arm. Wait, that was Dib. The heck is going on here? I am not made to love anyone, except myself. So why do I have these extreme emotions? I don't get it. And I understand everything worth understanding!

"You have school today. Better get going."

"Alright, Gir, alright. I am leaving."

"Here's your lunch. Have a good day."

Why am I filled with so much rage with him sometimes. I should look this up on that handheld device thing I have. Being the age of sixteen here on this planet, that would make me what? No not an old person. They should kill off the old like they did on my planet. Then again the my tallest probably did that so that they could rule us with no remorse or no reason to rethink their decrees.

"Now that I think on it, perhaps I am better off here with the earthlings. My Tallest were squirtsquids."

Wait a second.


"I thought you were leaving. You are already up the tube."

"I know, numbskull, just listen. The air around the Irken mother ship, did it have mind manipulative gases in it?"

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