Here to Stay?

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     "Come on, Zim. Open up. I need to know what happened."
     It's been three hours since we found Tak falling into the atmosphere and nobody has heard anything from him.
     Suddenly the door flew open to reveal Gir, a smile on his face.
     "Hello, sir."
     "Where's Zim? Is everything alright?"
     "Everything is fine. He's busy with Tak."
     "What happened to her?"
     "She's having a physical and mental breakdown at the current moment."
     "Ah. Can I see?"
     The screen popping out is always weird to see.
     In the lab under our feet, Tak sat on her knees crying. Zim stood next to her but he seemed kind of happy about it.
     "Ha. Kind of amusing."
     "Computer, inform Zim that Dib is here."
     Ugh, this computer is bipolar, I swear.
     Gir put his screen back and then sat down on the couch.
     "You trying to have a good day, Gir?"
     "It's been a weird day. I'm just sitting here and waiting for Zim to be done with Tak. I do not like her here."
     "I see."
     "Zim is on his way up with Tak."
     "Thank you, computer."
     "Don't patronize me, human."
     "What's got your wires in a knot?"
     "My wires are knotted? Oh no. Shutting down for repair mode."
     "Fuck. Didn't mean to do that."
     "He'll turn back on in five."
     I turned towards the kitchen and saw Zim walking with Tak. Tak still seemed really angry, and yet upset.
    "What's wrong, Zim?"
    "Nothing. Tak, remember Dib?"
    "Hello, ugly earth worm."
     "Rude. Only he can call me that."
     "Stupid human."
     "See, it's cuter when you do it."
     "Stop it."
     "You're lucky I find you attractive, you flesh sack."
     "Ha. I guess I am. So Tak is back."
     "For now, Dib the dumb. For now."
     "Tak does not wish to stay here. Even though she's developed a life of some sort here."
     "Where would you go? Us Irkens are hated across the Galaxy."
     "I don't want to be near you, Zim."
     "I hate you too."
     "Look, you can stay here and ignore and hate Zim all you want. You will be protected as long as you follow guidelines. It's pretty straight forward."
     "I do not listen to instructions well. Especially instructions from annoying humans."
     "Bull, you're irken. Until recently, you had no way of making your own decisions."
     "Shut your mouth."
     "Wait, before you go. Could I run a few tests to see the difference between you and Zim? To see why you never grew like he did?"
     "No, glorpsnot sack."
     "Do not talk to him that way. Dib is my... he's mine. My human!"
     Zim rushed as me and wrapped his arms legs and then all mechanical spider arms around me.
     "Ha. Zim, calm down. It's fine."
     "You have a human slave? I had one of those too."
     "No, you irken pig. He is my partner."
     "Partner. You mean you have some sort of emotional bond with this creature?"
     "Yes. He is my creature. Mine!"
     "How did you fall in love with a human. It's impossible."
     "There are such things on this planet as natural hormones. In a study done of our home planet, these hormones  were nowhere to be found. I needed to know the science behind all of my strange emotions."
     "Right. Because love is an emotion you recently started feeling."
     "But only for you, Dib Stink."
     "Yeah, well thanks, disgusting Alien."
     "Ugh, I'm gonna be sick ."
     "Good. Tak, why don't you give this planet a shot as your home. If you don't like it then you don't have to deal with it. You can try to find another place to go."
     "Yeah. It's not like I, the almighty Zim, want you here."
     "I was here before you, waste bin."
     "then why are you still so small. Why have you not lost all respect for My Tallest like I have?"
     "B-Because I had a chamber where it was just an empty room and filled with irken air. A taste of that miserable planet I called home before I was sent here."
     "Well stop."
     "I showed you the charts already. This is important for you. But if you were gone, I would celebrate once again."
     "What in the glaxion galaxy did you just say?"
     "That if you were gone, I would be most joyous. Having you around really annoys the almighty Zim."
     "That is it. I am staying here! I will show you that a warrior meant to be never leaves."
     "You'll have to register. Or are you too much of a coward to do so?"
     "Oh, how dare you call me a coward, you scazzard!"
     "I need proof that you aren't, you ploordon."
     "What's a ploordon?"
     "An alien who's so stupid that it surprises everyone that they still exist."
     "Ah. Like a dodo. Although, those are extinct."
     "Shut up. So how do I register for this stupid thing?"
     "Come with me."
     "I'll inform them you're on your way."
     "I can do it, human. I'll see you later."
     "Tell me how it goes. If you need it, Tak, they'll give you a place to stay."
     "Bye, Zim."
     "Goodbye earth worm."
     Zim Hugged me once more before I took off out the door and made my way to my house, a huge doofy smile on my face.
     Ha, I wonder if I should tell Gaz that Tak is back. I would love to see her face. Of course, being as we were just talking about it, she would probably think that I was lying. And Tak might not even attend our school this time. But she might, just so she and Zim could fight each other. She is going to have a hard time with her size. Maybe she will take Zim's advice and try to grow a little first. Or, she'll just put on a disguise. Seems more her style. She wore a disguise back then as well. She didn't go the simple route like Zim did.
     "Why are you smiling, idiot?"
     "nothing, Gaz. I'm just happy that Zim is out of the hospital."
     "Is he really?"
     "Too bad you got into a fight and you won't be able to see him at school."
     "I know. That guy was being an ass."
     "You broke his nose."
     "Yup. And I regret nothing. Dad didn't care either, I'll have you know."
     "I don't know why he wouldn't care?"
     "Because Dad understands that I like Zim and I was standing up for him in his absense."
     "Why does he support you?"
     "He doesn't care about happiness."
     "Maybe it's because he misses mom and he doesn't want me to feel the same way... in a sense."
     "That's a dumb reason."
     "Well then I don't know. I'm going to my room."
     "Alright, dunce."
     Arg, I want to drop kick her.

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