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     "Here we go. I can't believe that Gaz left without me."
     "Give her time, son."
     "She use to like a girl named Tak. So why is me having a boyfriend such a fucking problem?"
     "You're successful."
     "Ha. True, dad, true."
     "Better get to school."
     "Yeah. I'm going. Have a good day at work."
     "But of course. When it comes to the world of Science, any work I do is fun. For me, anyways."
     "And not for those interns who you incinerated last semester."
     "All is fair in the world of science."
     "Uh-huh. Bye dad."
     I know he's my dad and all, but he's insane. Jeez. I thought I was bad.
     "Yo, Dib!"
     "Keef? What are you doing? Why are you standing out here in front of my lawn?"
     "I... was waiting for you. Gir asked me to give you a progress report."
     "You went to see him yesterday?"
     "Yes. It has been two days since you went there."
     "I know. How is he doing?"
     "His appetite is back. They gave him his pak back and his medicine is staying down properly."
     "His burns gone?"
     "Almost. He should be out sooner than they thought."
     "Good. Glad to hear that's the situation. I've been worried."
     "That why you look so mad?"
     "Na, my sister angered me."
     "What did she do?"
     "She's trying to start unneccessary shit and it's pissing me off."
     "Like what?"
     "Like mocking me for liking Zim. Taking me away from being with Zim Saturday. She use to have a crush on Tak, the bitch who tried to turn our planet into one of those mystery candy eggs."
     "I remember, dude. She was way better at being an invader than Zim was."
     "She wasn't an invader. She had janitorial services to complete close by."
     "She might try to come back once she realizes that Irk is gone."
     Hopefully she doesn't figure out that it was his fault.
     "Anyways, that's it, that's all I wanted to say to you."
     "Wait, dude. Thank you for letting me use you as an excuse to go see Zim. I appreciate it. I know you don't like me."
     "Like I've expressed, I do things for the benefit of Zim."
     "I know. But thanks."
     I know why this guy doesn't like me. But I really am happy about what he did. If he wouldn't have done what he did, I wouln't have gotten to help Zim. He knows that too.
     "Here we are. Ah fuck. I don't want to be here today."
     Walking in, I immediately spotted my sister talking low to one of her friends. Everyone had their own cliques to stay in and talk shit on everyone. Everyone except me. Especially now that Gaz is avoiding me.
     "Here's my locker."
     Why are those girls down this hallway. Man that is the group of girls that everyone thinks are bitches but nobody says anything. Great. I can't wait to hear the shit they have to say.
     "Did you hear about Zim, Brittany?"
     "The guy with the mutation and skin condition?"
     "Did you, Tina?"
     "Apparently he almost killed himself the other day."
     "He didn't succeed?"
     "That sucks."
     Nope. I don't have to stand here and listen to them talk shit on Zim. I don't have to.
     I grabbed my things that I needed from my locker and then slammed it shut and made my way to the commons. I sat at the table of weird kids of the school, one of which was Keef, and laid my head down.
     Then I heard his name get mentioned again.
     "That green thing that talked weird should have died. He has too many issues. He should have been slaughtered when he was born."
     "You said it, dude."
     That is it.
     "Yo, Butch, Bobby. I wish they did the same to you. You're both garbage and have been since you were born. If my time machine wasn't taken from me, I would go back and do it myself. Now shut up about Zim before I  break your teeth."
     "Yeah right."
     "You don't have the bronze to hit us."
     "You're testing some thin ice, there, Butch. Do you really wanna walk out any farther?"
     There's the panic.
     "Whatever, idiot. Let's go Bobby."
     Fucking assholes.
     Of course she's around.
     "What, Gaz?"
     "You are taking this too far."
     "And you aren't? You were the one who called me home when I was at a friend's house. All because you thought I was with Zim."
     "And you weren't?"
     "No, I wasn't. I was with Keef. Did I visit him? Sure. We were both worried about him. But I was still with Keef. I can't believe your behavior. Why does it matter if I was with him. He's my boyfriend."
     "I know. That's wrong."
     "And you liking Tak isn't? You hypocrite."
     "How do you know about that?"
     "I'm not an idiot. Every game that allows you to make your own princess, your princess always ends up looking her."
     "Well it's wrong of me to like her too."
     "Why do you even think that."
     "Steven told me."
     "Steven Botwat."
     "He has had a crush on you since you two were five. He probably told you that so he had a better chance with you. It's not wrong as long as they make you happy."
     "Zim makes you happy?"
     "Yeah. He does make me happy."
     "Bull, you hate Zim."
     "Do not. If I hated him then when I found him, I would have left him for dead. Did I? No. Why? Because I cared. I was worried about him. I have been worried about him. I know you would do the same for her too."
     "Don't you walk away like... Fucking dammit."
     "Wow, that was dramatic."
     "Sorry Sidney."
     "You and Zim are dating?"
     "Awe, that is so cute. My real name isn't Sydney."
     "My name is Aluginia. Princess of the Snozzlestones."
     "You're an alien?"
     "We all are. Everyone here at this table is."
     "Disguises. My braces are actually zippers."
     "Whoa. Prove it."
     Thw girl grabbed a metal hook on her bottom brace and pulled. The slow sound of a zipper being undone hit my ears and I watched her pull enough back that a set of claws came through and then disappeared back into the disguise.
     "We are all registered."
     "Facinating. Do tell me more."
     Since I need a distraction of some sort.

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