Mysterious Curiosity

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     They had to put Zim to sleep after two minutes so that he would stop squirming. He just wouldn't hold still long enough for them to insert the camera. Can't blame him. His pain was getting worse.
     But we are now presented with the reason for his pain.
     "Is that an egg?"
"Indeed it is, Zim."
"I thought you said he was male, doctor."
"He is, nurse Danusa."
"How strange."
"I had a feeling you would say that."
"I think I know why he is developing this egg formation."
"Do tell, Danusa."
What did I do? I obeyed all of the rules they told me to. Except for a kiss I did kiss him. But what did that do?
"Why is it Dib's fault?"
"I believe Zim's change is similar to the change of the clownfish. When there is no female in a group of adult males, the oldest will go through a natural change from a male to a female. Zim's body might have been a boy, but he'll develop female organs because he is in a relationship with a male."
"Indeed it is, doctor. He might lay eggs due to the size of the egg we see right now."
"So everytime he goes through this mating season thing, his body does this egg thing?"
"In a sense, Dib. Oh I'm being buzzed by room 17. Are we clear on the situation?"
"I think we're good, nurse."
There she goes.
"Great. How is he going to avoid any kind of situation while in the middle of this."
"He won't react to anyone other than you. And this egg thing is only three inches in diameter. Perfect circle and  a little hard. No noticable signs of anything going on."
"So it might not hurt him the next time?"
"No. His body is trying to get this whole change figured out. So since it was the first time, it hurt him."
"So what happens if the egg isn't fertilized?"
"Unlike chickens, Zim's egg will dissolve into his body and after a while, it'll come back. Whenever his season occurs again."
"Hmm. How strange. So he'll have the shell of a Male outer being and a female inside. Or will his entenai start to curl?"
"I assume he'll look and sound the same, he'll just be able to lay eggs. And for all we know, their role could have been reversed compared to the human race."
"That's fair."
"So we'll never know."
"Unless Tak falls in love with a male too. We can see what happens from there. And I hope she does so my sister will suffer ever so slitely."
"Still mad?"
"She keeps adding, Doctor. Driving me crazy."
"I see. Well keep a cool head. He'll be ready to go when-"
"Shouldnt he stay here? Just so we know he's okay?"
"Nurse Danusa said everything is fine. And if I'm honest, I think the worst is over. I want him back in a few days to see if the egg had disappeared yet, just to see what happens. If his mating season is similar to Danusa's people, Zim should only desire to mate two to three times a year."
"Oh boy. That's a lot. Could be worse. Could be monthly."
"Well, I hate to tell you this, but that is on the table as well."
"So we won't know until it happens."
"But if he does lay eggs, then it should only be seasonal. For now, Anyways."
"Tak would like to talk with you real quick."
"Uh, she can come in here. I don't want to leave his side."
"I will send her in. I will leave this diagram with you."
"Uh... alright."
The irken inner... this is an image of Zim's body. Oh. When did they get an image of his whole body?
"Hello human."
"Tak. What do you want to talk about?"
"I... do... do you really like this little green creature?"
"You really care for this creature?"
"Yeah. Why?"
Hmm. She looks very confused.
"Tak, you can drop the disguise here. They all know that you're an alien."
"I've never seen a creature care for another and yet be able to ridicule one another as you two do."
"When an irken dies, our paks are retrieved and go to another irken. Nobody cares that you are gone. Nobody misses you. On earth, I never developed a close relationship with anyone."
"Has to do with the air you use to breathe. Caring comes with the freedom of the air you breathe here."
"I suppose that you are correct under that assumption."
"Why is this suddenly bothering you."
"I do not know."
"Remove your disguise."
"Please remove your disguise. I would like to see something. Like if you've gotten taller."
"Alright, human. I shall remove my disguise."
Her disguise was different than Zim's. She had this hologram device on her wrist that sucked up what we all saw.
In it's place stood a now five foot ten inch light green irken, antennae curled but laying flat, chest, no longer flat, her hipnodevice thing gone, everything.
"So the gas woar off?"
"I suppose that it did. I wasn't around it as much as I would be on Irk. But I was around it. Not as potent either."
"I see."
"I did start to notice how you look after Zim."
"Well I care for him a lot."
"How did you know that you desired his company."
"He found someone he couldn't live without. I found someone I never want to see dead."
"How did you and Zim, uh, figure it out?"
"Well, it was a process. I don't think I should be the one to explain it. At least his side. I noticed that after I wasn't allowed to kill him, that he was pretty cool. I somewhat enjoyed being around him. Then he tried to kill himself. I never wanted to see him die. I cared too much. I never want to find him the way I did that day. He's not allowed to die until after I die."
"Awe. That is so revolting, it's sweet."
"Yup, still irken."
"Never mind. So, you look a little upset."
"Is that the new emotion I am feeling."
"That would depend on your description of your feeling."
"I feel... like my very physical form has been hollowed out. All that is left is darkness. I feel like a brick wall behind my eyes is about to burst."
"It sounds like it. Why do you feel upset?"
"I do not know."
"He can help you, Tak."
"Zim, little green worm? When did you awaken?"
"Just a moment ago, irken slug. He can help find the reason that you are so upset. He can help you through your emotional struggle at the time being."
"I suppose. But I hate you, so I shall go. But first, what had you in crippling pain earlier?"
"I don't think you need to worry about it yet, Tak. If it occurs, though, we'll know."
"If you say so. I shall leave."
Oh boy. This will pose as a problem.
"So, human. What is the problem with Zim?"
Dammit. Why do I have to explain this to him?

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