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"So, if demons and angels are real, what about dragons?" Ivy asked, narrowing her eyes. "Do they look like real dragons? Do they breathe fire? Are they big, or people sized?"

"Ives, there are no dragons," Stone said, shaking his head.

Ivy frowned at him as she leaned closer to him. "Are you sure? 'Cause what if there are, and you just don't know about them."

"Ivy, I'm sure. Are you really disappointed about this?" he asked, raising his eyebrows.

"Kind of?" she said, nodding.

"What is it about dragons that you like so much?" Stone asked, starting to feel self-conscious.

Ivy's eyes lit up with excitement. "The fire-breathing, the flying, the—"

"Scales, the giant teeth, the claws, the tail?" Stone asked, interrupting her.

"Are you...Are you jealous of my interest in dragons?" Ivy asked, a grin crossing her face. He said nothing for a moment, and Ivy poked him lightly in the ribs. "You are jealous!"

"I just know the kind of books you read. I'm not jealous," Stone said, shrugging a shoulder.

Ivy leaned her elbows against her knees. "Envy is a sin, Stone."

"Can your fictional dragons do this?" he asked, lighting all of the candles in the room as he reached his power out to switch off the lights. He arched an eyebrow, moving closer to her as he held up a hand, flames rolling across his palm. "What's better?"

The smile fell from Ivy's face. "Sometimes I forget that you can do that."

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