Chapter 22

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[1 year before] {Toronto, Canada} (Ty's P.O.V)
I eyed her body stripping off my clothes in the process. She jumped a little as I laid down next to her. She snuggled into my bare chest. I put my arm around her. We looked as if we were a couple in one of those stupid drama lovie movies. "Ty?" she asked me, "What?" I replied looking down at her hair and stroking her arm. "Are we real? Like, is," she paused, "Real, is this real?" she asked her eyes darting around the room. "To be honest I don't even know what is real anymore." She became silent, I kissed the top of her head. "I love you Emma, even if this is fake, even if its real I'll love you no matter what." I said swearing to myself to always be there. Two weeks later she was gone.
Emma's P.O.V
"Why do you have him?!" I screamed at the man. "I would suggest you move backwards little girl." "You know what. You move backwards, you shut the hell up and you let me see who else is in these body bag things. Got it? Good." I didn't wait for a reply. I looked through the rest of the bags. A little girl, her white night gown soaked with blood. I choked, next bag. I glanced at the dark man leaning against the car, looking bored might I add. A older boy, brown hair and gorgeous. His shirt perfectly fine. I looked at the girl then the older guy, then Ty. They all had something in common they were all dead. I stood up, "Are you gonna tell me why?" I asked the man pointing to the dead people. "I didn't kill them you know. I'm just the deliverer." He said shrugging, "Oh like that makes a difference" I said chuckling, "Who is that kid anyway?" He said pointing to Ty. "What does it mean to you?" I moved in front of Ty's body. "Oh nothing." I moved quickly, taking the metal bar I had found earlier and swinging it at his head. He fell to the ground "Uh huh gurl you messed with the wrong girl," I said laughing to myself and my cheesiness. Then I looked down at Ty, and I realized what I had done to him.
Ty's POV
A couple weeks after the first week of school I was big news. The player, I had already slept with three girls and it was only Wednesday. I'm pretty sure the first one was Caty. Then there was Ashley I'm pretty sure. Then most recently, Regina. I was supposedly "dating" her, or so she said but I have to admit I would be fine with that. I have noticed a few interesting girls, this school is so full of labels I'm not even kidding. You got jocks, cheerleaders, band members, geeks, nerds, cool Asians, girls that eat nothing, girls that eat their feelings, art addicts, drug addicts, players, and then the sluts. That's just a few, anyway let me tell you girls in the band are totally off limits. Most I then have long distance relationships that probably ended months ago.
I have made so called "bros" while I've been here. Todd, Daren, and Sean. Todd is surprisingly part of the jock club, and he's still a player. Daren, player group but also takes photography classes. And Sean, used to be part of the geek club, slept with a couple girls over the summer and now he's with us.
Everyone quickly sat down after getting lunch, me being the idiot I am was so confused about the sitting down quickly I didn't realize that there was a pep rally. Caught up in the storm of cheerleaders and pom-poms I coughed and quickly walked towards the exit. I finally got out and started breathing again. "Get stuck in the pep rally?" Asked a girl to my left, she was hiding he face in her locker. I took the time to look down her body, curves nice waist, gorgeous ass. "Yeah. Those cheerleaders need a reality check. What's the point of cheering when the football team consists of fatties and 1 good player?" I asked staring at the door now. The girl exited her hideaway zone and slammed her locker shut. "Hey you know what you're actually cute," she said looking at me. She walked by me but not before stopping and whispering in my ear, "Bye." Stunned I stumbled a but then got back on track. I chased after her down a few hallways and up the stairs. Finally she stopped I took this as my chance. I went up behind her turned her around and pushed her into the wall behind her. She dropped her books obviously startled. I smirked at her, "You're not so bad yourself," I said making her confused. "Oh my god! You're the new asshole of the school!" She said, I was honestly surprised with what she said next, "I'm surprised anyone would want to sleep with you." She said "At least I know you do," she blushed and I tightened my grip I moved her along the wall until we reached the science room door. I pushed it open and pushed her against the wall, again. "Ouch, fragile package here," she said pouting. I bit my lip, noticing how adorable she was. "What?" She asked, puzzled. I let go slightly and began to trace kisses up her neck. "Woah, woah, woah mister no, it's gonna take more than that to get dis." She said pointing to herself. She squirmed away and exited the science lab just a the bell rang. Some pep rally that was.
Hey guys I have IMPORTANT NEWS:
1. Book is ending soon
2. I need some title names for the next book
3. I might have to delay the start to the next book
4. There might not be a sequel
I'm sorry guys but I have a lot going on in my life and I'm really stressed out. I have breakdowns and I hate everyone, trust me that's not the hormones talking. Please just be supportive and keep reading. I look at EVERY comments so feel free to comment questions, jokes, compliments are always thanked too. Please follow me as well sometimes I will post on my feed when the next chapter will be released!!! Thanks for reading, this chapter was long, I think. Let me know what you think!
Question of the Day:
What's your favorite school outfit or hairdo??


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