Imagine||Vik #1

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You were currently at JJ and Simon's flat watching the boys film a Sidemen Sunday video for that week. They were filming a who knows who best video and it was so funny as you couldn't stop laughing. You were sitting behind the camera with Freya, Talia and Katie watching them and you were all in tears at how badly the boys are doing. 

Throughout filming your eyes kept wondering towards Vik's direction earning a few nudges and suggestive looks from the girls. You had been best friends with the Minecraft playing Indian since the first day of high school and had stayed by his side all throughout his career. You had developed some very strong feelings for him during college but had yet to tell him. The girls had found out about this little, or rather large liking for him when you all had a sleepover and they interrogated you all night to find out who you liked.


After the boys finished filming, they packed everything away and you all decided to order pizza and just mess around. 

You sat on the sofa in between Vik and JJ, everyone else scattered around the room just talking in little groups or pairs, just having a good time with everyone. You yawned feeling a little tired since it was quite late at night. Vik noticed this and offered you to stay at his place, since it wasn't far away and you didn't really feel like driving all the way home since you lived quite far and Vik was quite protective over you so you didn't even bother to object.

Vik drove you both back to his with you're head laying on the door trying not to doze off not even noticing the loving glances that he kept throwing your way. When you got to his apartment, you both collapsed on his sofa and turned on the TV neither of you really paying attention soon both dozing off into a peaceful sleep.


The next morning, you woke up facing Vik wrapped up in his embrace. He was already awake and looking at you with a small smile while the morning sun bounced off both your faces. You both lay there, not saying anything just admiring each others features. 

You were in that position for about 10 minutes, until you both started to lean in. Both hearts thumping and a million thoughts going through your heads. Your eyes closed until finally your lips touched and all the nervousness you both carried was lifted and replaced with fireworks and love for each other.

You stayed like that for what felt like hours but was actually just a few seconds. You both pulled away for air, grinning like Cheshire cats. 

Soon Vik broke the comfortable silence, "I've loved you for as long as I can remember but I never had the courage to tell you, until now. I love you more than you can imagine, will you be my girlfriend, Y/N?" 

You didn't know it was possible to smile bigger than you had been but you managed to while saying, "I love you too Vik, of course I will be your girlfriend" Then placing a small kiss to his cheek and then another back on his lips.

A/N: Sorry for taking forever to update, I'm trying to find some time, I'm very busy with school at the moment trying to get through my last year in one piece.

Also, requests are still open, a few people messaging me asking if they were, so just clearing that up :D

Sidemen and friends imagines/preferences (REQUESTS OPEN)Where stories live. Discover now