Requested Imagine||Calfreezy

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Readers POV:                                                                                                                                                                          I looked down at the white stick that lay in my hands with a shocked expression painted on my face. 

"Positive" was the word that stared back at me in the little screen. I put my head in my hands, I didn't know how I was feeling.. Happy? Scared? Excited? Upset? I don't know. I'm only 24, I'm not ready to be a mother.

I decided to call the father, Cal and ask him to come over to tell him as since he's the other half of this little or rather big situation and he deserves to know that he's going to be a father. I dialled his number and after a few seconds he picked up.

"Hey Cal, could you come over? I have something important I need to talk to you about" I started off, taking a deep breath before talking.

"Uhh yeah sure, actually I need to talk to you too, I'll be there in about 15 minutes" he replied.

"Okay, see you soon, love you" he didn't say anything and hung up.


A little while later, I hear a knock on my door signalling that Cal was here. I padded over to the door and took a shaky breath before opening it to reveal my tall, lanky boyfriend. We shared greetings and I lead him inside and we both sat on the sofa in silence for a few minutes. I decided to let him go first.

"So, what did you want to talk about?" I asked him. 

He looked up at me and sighed, took my hand in his and started his words, "so, what we have is amazing, and you're amazing but I'm afraid that I'm just not feeling it like I was when this first started" 

I felt my stomach drop and by now I had forgotten all about being pregnant. My eyes already held tears in them. I took my hands back from his and sat there speechless processing everything he had just said to me. I looked up at him to see him watching me, concern and worry written all over his face.

I had tears streaming down my face when I managed to choke out, "get out" 

He had barely heard me which had lead him to ask me to repeat it. "I said, Get Out" I told him a lot louder than before, he flinched a little at the venom in my words. I very rarely got angry or disappointed and now here I am feeling both at once. 

He didn't say anything, he just nodded and silently walked out. It wasn't until I heard the door close that I started sobbing. 

I had been crying uncontrollably for what seemed like hours and it was starting to get dark outside. I stood up from my position on the sofa and looked around my small apartment, my eyes landed on the pregnancy test I had taken earlier that day and felt even more upset before I decided that I was going to do this with or without him.

I went the my bedroom and looked in the mirror, I told myself that I'm strong and that I'll get through this. I then lifted up my shirt to see my belly, there was no change since the baby wasn't even the size of an orange yet. 

I then talked to the little foetus in my belly, "I know I'm only half the package you expect when come out of there but I promise to do my best, we'll be partners in crime, we don't need a dad to be a perfect family, I'll always be there for you, I love you," 


It's been a few years since I had seen Cal on that dreadful day. I still think about him a lot though since his children are the spitting image of him, yeah that's right, 'children' I have two beautiful twin toddlers. I gave birth to a little boy named Thomas and a little girl called Holly. They are three years old now. 

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