Imagine||Simon #1

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I was excited for today, yesterday my sister had asked if me and Simon could look after my 4 year old niece while she and her husband goes out for the day. 


My sister and her husband came and dropped off Anna (Their daughter :)) and me and Simon spent the day looking after her.

We were playing princesses and Anna was doing Simon's make up and giving him a tiara and a scarf for him to wear, he looked so funny and I couldn't stop laughing through the entire process. After a while he suggested that we make cookies, so they went and got started with cookies while I stayed in the living room and cleared the mess from the previous activities .

After cleaning up, I went to join Simon and Anna in the kitchen to see Anna sitting on the counter mixing the mixture with Simon watching her carefully to make sure she didn't fall or make a mess , a small smile plastered on his face. I stood there watching for a while in awe, he was so good with kids yet he didn't even realise it.

I went and joined them and we made hundreds of cookies, however, it took longer than expected as JJ came home after training and threw some flour at Simon which resulted in a full blown food fight between the four of us. Giggles and gasps fell out of our mouths until we could no longer breathe. 

JJ went into his room and left the rest of us to clean up. After we finished, me and Simon built a little pillow fort and the threes of us sat down and watched Frozen with me and Anna cuddled into Simon's chest. 

Half way through the movie, I looked at the other two to see that they were both fast asleep snoring gently resting their heads on each other. I stared at them in awe for awhile, thinking about how I couldn't wait to have children with him.


An hour later we were all awake and watching a kids programme on TV and playing with Anna until we heard a knock at the door. I went to answer it to reveal my sister and her husband had come to pick their daughter up. We went to the living room to see Simon helping Anna to put her coat and shoes on. 

As they were leaving, Anna gave me and Simon a big hug and was very reluctant to leave until we promised that next time she visited, she can sleepover. When they had left, Simon gave me a huge hug mumbling into my hair, "I can't wait to have a child with you, it's gonna be so perfect," before kissing my forehead. We heard a click and looked up to see a grinning JJ with his phone in hand pointing the camera up.

He walked of mumbling something about wanting a girlfriend and feeling so lonely, making me and Simon giggle before going to his room and cuddling till we fell asleep in each others arms.


A/N: Here's a cute Simon one. I'm going to upload an Ethan imagine later or tomorrow. 

Also, please comment someone not in the sidemen you would like me to do :)

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